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ZAPPED! A Belated Thank You to Merryweather :)

ZAPPED! A Belated Thank You to Merryweather :)


I Dream of Disney ;D
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Once Upon a Time
A few weeks ago I made a trade with Selen as I wanted to help her out with her Beloved Tales search, and I noticed she had a "grail" pin of my mother's, and since my mother has been dealing with a lot these past few months I wanted to surprise her with a pin :)

The Alice beloved tales will be joining Selen soon (Along with another pin she purchased that is coming across the pond for her), but Selen kindly sent along my mother's pin ahead of time. I was so touched to see a sweet note included along with this zap:

Pin 86543: Mickey Mouse Icon Mystery Pouch - Cheshire Cat Only

I had actually had my hopes up about a trade for this pin that very same week, but it eluded me. So I was very happy to have it join the spot I had already made for it on one of my newest pages I've been putting together (sorry the pics are so dark!):


Here's the page all together so far in case anyone was curious :):


Thank you so much again Selen for making my mom's day with such a lovely trade, and making my day as well! :hsd:
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