Yeah, everything is shiny and happy and fluffy. Not.
Sorry, I find attitudes like those showed here by some extremely upsetting. They come on here, brag they cheated the system and expect people to clap applause. This isn't right, and I will say that this isn't right.
Pardon my parents for raising me with moral standards!
Traders like those are ruining the hobbies for others. I am a relative newbie myself. There's long term traders with way more experience than me. But I can't help noticing that there's more and more newbies coming in going with the "by any means necessary" attitude. Grab what you can, don't care what you leave behind.
I am not the only one upset by this, I know several people who are actually taking a break or have even given up trading because they can't deal with this cr*p no longer.
Pin Trading was originally created as a way to make friends and interact with others (and to make money for Disney).
But right now the majority of traders seems to be in for their own personal profit!
It's the same with trade requests. Newbies offer me a Hidden Mickey for a LE 100 and then yell at me when I tell them no and politely try to explain why.
Maybe it's time for me to take a break too. I'm barely trading now anyway thanks to the reasons posted above.
Not that I don't agree with what you mostly are saying, but this will not change what people do or how they feel about it.
Yes, like everyone else here, voicing our opinions are important, but we need to realize that we have no ability to change things like this.
If we look at world leaders and everyone before them, who has tried to make things "right", they have not been able too, and they never will. Imperfect human beings we all are and imperfect thoughts and idea's will remain.
Yes, it is annoying for people to "profit" off of what should be trading fun, but then who am I to judge them? I use the word judge, because I cannot think of another, although it seems a little harsh.
It sounds like to me, you are a person who likes order and honesty and that it not wrong and actually should be applauded, but not everyone is like you. If they were, then maybe things would be different in this world we live in.
Trading is supposed to make people happy. I too have come across individuals who scam individuals out of decent pins. Like you mentioned, offering a hidden mickey for a hard to find LE100 might not be a good thing, but there will always be people who try. I too get the same requests day in and day out. Nothing I do, short of leaving, will change that.
You cannot let others attitude or idea's affect what you do. Bu not trading you are allowing them to change you and for you to give up something you like.
The more good and honest people there are out there, the better it is for the trading community.
I consider myself a newbie as I have only been trading for a year and a half. Have I been taken advantage of, you better believe it! Do I try to encourage pin trading with other, bu giving them free pins, you bet.
I hope that the way I trade and the way I come across, helps to build the trading community up and not tear it down.
I encourage you to continue building up as well, as it seems you are one of those people who can bring a lot of good to the pin trading community.
Wishing you the best in what you decide.