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New pins all worth $100 + no matter what

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New pins all worth $100 + no matter what


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I can't believe the way every new LE pin that comes out is now thought to be worth so much by those who are lucky enough to acquire them. It doesn't even matter if the pin is of an unpopular character or theme. Examples:

The new Employee Center water tower pins (Tink, Stitch, J.Cricket and Oswald). They cost about $20 and I'm seeing them for sale around $100. They look like ordinary LE pins you can get at the parks to me. Each of those characters has had their pin heyday, but how many collectors will pay that much for these? I'm a near completest on Oswald but there's no way I'm paying $100 for that pin. Doesn't look like anyone else is either.

The WDI profiles are out of control. Some people want $400 or more for those. There are listings for Taran from The Black Cauldron at over $200. Are you kidding me? I am one of like 3 people in the world who collect Black Cauldron. lol. I realize most of these are not selling at these asking prices but asking for 20 times the original cost is insane. THREE times the original cost is obnoxious.

Anyway, vent over haha. I just wonder when this insanity will end.
I am new to collecting and to shopping on EBay, and I thought a lot of the pin prices seemed insane. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so. I’ve been sticking to a lot of open edition pins since 100 bucks a pop is just not in my budget. I hope some of these prices come down but I couldn’t say when. I have a bunch of pins I’m watching and they are just sitting there...some for months. I suppose if you don’t need the money and you think they will only get more valuable with time, some of these folks are willing to hold onto their stock indefinitely.

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You've just said what many of us have been thinking for a while. It can't last, but as MommaIvy points out, none of us can say for certain *when* the bubble will burst and sanity will reign again. It will ... as the "old-timers" in this hobby can and will tell you, it's a game of patience. It's hard when you have a visceral reaction to a pin that you MUST HAVE but one of the things that will gradually help is if we stop "feeding the beast" by succumbing to the insane mark-ups. A few times lately, I've seen a new release that I would like to add to my collection, but the instantaneous decision that it's "worth" $80 just makes me shake my head. That's an arbitrary mark-up, but we legitimize it by giving in and exercising our "grabby hands" before our brains/wallets remind us that it's absurd. Ha ha. Personally, I'll be sipping my tea while I wait for everyone to move on to the Next Big Thing, and then I'll hopefully find some of these pins at what I consider more reasonable prices. If it's worth it to you, do what you want with your income, etc. But ask yourself if it's truly "worth" it before you act in haste and repent in pin jail for the rest of the month! :D
I have noticed that there's a huge gap between what people ask for those pins on eBay and what they actually sell for. The higher priced ones just keep getting relisted over and over again with no one actually biting.

And the prices on most of the hero profiles came down quickly. Which really surprised me, because the heroine ones did the opposite.
I understand how you feel completely. I think this set of pins didn't all go to resellers, so that is probably going to skew the market significantly upward. I also think it's interesting that there was only one trading post on social media I could find where people were trading them. If you want to, I can look at your traders to see if there's anything I need.

People need to stop throwing money at these pins that are brand new and just start trading again. I had one person message me that they put X amount of dollars on the pin, so they need X amount of dollars out of the trade. Don't do that. Just. Don't. If you're investing big money in your traders, why don't you just buy keepers instead?
The truth when it comes to pins is "Patience is a virtue." Sometimes people aren't willing
to wait. Sometimes people way overvalue their pins and won't see reason when it comes
to trading or selling. It is so frustrating. I'm glad @chubs191 that people other than resellers
were actually able to get the last set of Heroes. :)
You've just said what many of us have been thinking for a while. It can't last, but as MommaIvy points out, none of us can say for certain *when* the bubble will burst and sanity will reign again. It will ... as the "old-timers" in this hobby can and will tell you, it's a game of patience.

What, did someone say something? My hearing...umm eyesight isn't as good as it used to be...

But really. There used to be a collector here, and I know she is still is out in the pin world, because I have seen her post a couple times on FB, who collected Disney Auctions Stitch pins. And if you weren't around when Lilo & Stitch got released, and the insanity that gripped the pin world it's hard to describe and harder for newbies to comprehend because as popular as some things are now, it was NOTHING compared to what happened with Stitch. There is a reason there are over 600 Stitch DA pins, about half (300) being DA100. By comparison, searching Ariel gives you just over 100 total and 60ish DA100, Belle is similar numbers, Tinker Bell is about 300 total, and 120 DA 100 and where is she in terms of popularity now? So to try and collect all the Stitches, it really is the impossible task. Yet, this collector's want list shows just a handful of DA Stitches left to collect. And I know she's a smart cookie, certainly willing to pay for the ones that absolutely needed the $$$, but otherwise patience and strategy. Watching her numbers whittle down is why I decided to collect Frozen, even though it started out hotter than hot. I knew that it couldn't stay that hot, not enough people would have the resources to play that game. And that's exactly what happened. Now, I'm pretty sure there are more ex-Frozen collectors than there are Frozen collectors. Besides @mickeymousje I'm not sure I could name another attempted Frozen completist. I know @chubs191 has Anna, and a few others have partial collections. (I feel like I am forgetting someone else who is trying to be completist, but it's not coming to me)

I have said it a thousand times, but I think the #1 reason people give up pin trading is because of insanity like this. It rips off the blinders, and while no one would ever call pin trading fair, it exposes the chasm between the "haves" and the "have nots" as an untraversable path of pain and misery. Others can talk about the "thrill of the hunt" to death, but most people just give up and focus on something less stressful and a lot more fun. Then their pins eventually come up for sale. And this is why after 18+ years of pin collecting we're still fighting over LE300 and less items instead of LE thousands causing insanity. Look at the line at Trader Sam's yesterday to buy a LE6000 mug? With the sheer numbers of people who have traveled through the pin trading arena, the overall "base" should be several times bigger than it is, and it's not.

But the one area, I have never quite been able to understand is round pins. It started with the DA Gomes, and that I understood. They are really nice, and she's a very talented lady. And then it went to Beloved Tales, and I can understand that too. DSF pins filled a void when DA went away and it's a fun series with one for each movie. But now, it's like every roundish shaped pin is a bajillion dollars. I keep waiting for the 2015 D23 WDI Retro Park pins to come down in price. I'm pretty sure nobody liked them when they came out, they're park stuff, and they have words on them. Heck, some designs have even been scrapped! I only have managed to get 3 of them at a price I'm happy with, which is still twice retail. Hey, I haven't checked in awhile, there's one up there that I need that isn't $50+. So now, you people made me spend money! Anyway, we may be waiting a really long time for the profiles to come down (although, as people have said some have). But I wouldn't be surprised if some day, people decided that round was out and they all wanted square or diamond shaped pins.
I had one person message me that they put X amount of dollars on the pin, so they need X amount of dollars out of the trade. Don't do that. Just. Don't. If you're investing big money in your traders, why don't you just buy keepers instead?

That's the part I can't wrap my head around. I have been guilty of spending $$ on a grail or on the new hotness, but I've never paid more than retail for a trader.
I've paid money for keepers and traders. You never know what you are going to see out there and it would be a shame to see something great and have nothing worthwhile to trade for it. I live in Massachusetts and getting really nice pins at retail is a difficult process. Some people trade $4$ and some people don't. I'm happy to trade either way if it seems like a fair deal for both sides.
Interesting topic, it all started so innocently with CM trading for HMs :p..
I'm waiting for either:
Park pins come back, which won't happen till there's an anniv
DSF ptds return to the popularity they had 6 yrs ago, maybe finally my collection will get some looks,
Scene pins rather than 1 character,
WDI stops making some nice pins, I think it's time for a revival of hmmm something unpopular, if that's possible,:cool:

Till then... I guess we wait till people stop paying the crazy prices and/or remember it's about community and Fun! For me it's still the anticipation of what's coming out Next:stitch:
I really don't understand why the profiles are sought after. I mean, yeah theyre big and all, and the colors are cool, but the pins themselves are kinda lackluster in design, certainly not worth their current price. (I honestly think the Alice Anniversary and NBC Anniversary pins look better.) WDI had such great pin designs based on attractions and other Company IP. I want to know what drove up the popularity, and were not just stopping at heroes because WDI sees the demand and now theyre banking on the design of the profiles with the upcoming Destination D Mickey Mouse set. Theyre going to skim through every Disney property and character until the design has been used up. (if they ever do Bear in the Big Blue House Profiles, I'm Dead)

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Lolol my 13 year old was so into playhouse Disney!!! I forgot about Bear in the Great Blue House. And I think I’ve seen every episode of JoJos Circus like 500 times also.

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Great chat y'all. I know some people never want to talk about this stuff. But the true reality is that we can never make change for the better if we do not recognize the troubles we already have. It's very interesting to read what people have to say. Obviously the views here are not what the resellers want to see talked about. The best way to fight over priced resellers, is to not by. But sadly there always seems to be another person waitingin line to feed the Sharks.
So much of this is so Sad and so True. When Pin Trading turned into Pin Business, the "real" Pin Collectors of this Hobby paid the price.

As soon as I hear "X pin goes for X$ on an auction site", I know I won't be making a trade.

I understand when using new pins to try to trade for older, rarer pins BUT, when every new pin is "worth" 5 + times the retail price as soon as it is released?? Come on!!

If it is by WDI, D23, DSSH or from overseas, I don't even try anymore. :(

I'm happy with my Collections and if I don't acquire many more, I'll be fine with that. HOWEVER, I MISS the people and the fun of getting together to TRADE PINS!!! Auction/online Sites just aren't the same as a fun Pin Meet.

Thank goodness for this Community!!
I would have stopped awhile ago if it weren't for being able to participate here. :)
That's the part I can't wrap my head around. I have been guilty of spending $$ on a grail or on the new hotness, but I've never paid more than retail for a trader.
I can do you 1 better. I DON'T buy pins to be Traders. Haven't for years - unless for a specific trade.

For the majority of pins I'd like, the pins I have for Trade "should" work fine - for REAL trading. :) If not, I won't get them or will wait for a reasonable price. In my case, I see no reason to spend stupid $$ on Traders instead of Keepers.

My favorite thought- "All these pins are going to end up in Garage Sales eventually so why stress & waste your $$??"
I'm with you tigger. I miss the old meet ups and all the people. My family has never had the best LE pins or ben the most popular. Actually I think I myself am unpopular at times do to my harsh views abut things just like this. I think the problem is that some of us just collect or trade a little. The resellers know we want stuff to keep and take advantage of our love fir Disney. I wish this could be the one true fan hobby, although I do not think it can return from the high dollars relationship that has been set up.

The cool part is many of the same old members are still around, they just no long partake in the hustle and bustle that Disney pins has turned into. Maybe at some point we can start doing fun meet ups agian. Pot lucks would be fun.
I even know a comic show promoter that would probably be happy to have us at a event or two. After all we still are a Disney club and that's better than any other kind of club on earth.
But really. There used to be a collector here, and I know she is still is out in the pin world, because I have seen her post a couple times on FB, who collected Disney Auctions Stitch pins. And if you weren't around when Lilo & Stitch got released, and the insanity that gripped the pin world it's hard to describe and harder for newbies to comprehend because as popular as some things are now, it was NOTHING compared to what happened with Stitch. There is a reason there are over 600 Stitch DA pins, about half (300) being DA100. By comparison, searching Ariel gives you just over 100 total and 60ish DA100, Belle is similar numbers, Tinker Bell is about 300 total, and 120 DA 100 and where is she in terms of popularity now? So to try and collect all the Stitches, it really is the impossible task. Yet, this collector's want list shows just a handful of DA Stitches left to collect.

My ears are burning! ;)

Hi Hope :)
Yeah, things here really died down when everything moved to Facebook. Things are good, I just pop in here once in a while when I’m killing time. I’m really not very active anymore and have been selling off traders and such.
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