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pin zaps

  1. watzshakinbacon

    ZAPPED! Beautiful Belle Zap by ShelterKat! Thank you!!!

    So.. I was expecting just one pin package today, but apparently, there were 2! I saw the return addressee's name but didn't recognize it from any of the trades I made. What the fluff was this thing?? I opened it up, saw a lot of bubble wrap, and a card. I opened it up and read it. Lo and...
  2. Milky

    ZAPPED! Adopt-A-Newbie // AAN December 2012

    Welcome to Adopt-A-Newbie FOR DECEMBER 2012 Would you like to help new members out by jump starting their pin trading? Do you want to donate some of your pins to help others? Then you've come to the right place! Each month, big sisters/big brothers will be given a chance to lend a helping hand...