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  1. NBC Hidden Mickey Candy Corns - real vs. fake comparison

    Hi everyone! The 2010 Hidden Mickey pins featuring Nightmare Before Christmas characters are known to have fakes being pumped out from China, and I ended up with a fake set of Lock, Shock and Barrels courtesy of eBay. Lovely. But then I got my hands on some that are clearly authentic, so I...
  2. NBC Ornament scrappers vs. real. Photos and comparison and possible AP pin?

    Hey friends! So, in my quest to acquire all the pins of these little miscreants I frequently purchase pins on eBay. These pins in particular are tricky because there are very clearly many, many scrappers out there of Lock and Barrel, who - according to Pinpics - have known scrappers in...
  3. Pin #3135 -- is it a scrapper?

    Hello! As you may know, I'm pretty new to trading and have been on a trading frenzy (mainly on PinPics and Reddit). I just received this pin (#3135) and I'm pretty excited about it. I didn't realized it was LE until I saw that back.. and the back doesn't have the mickey mouse waffle pattern...
  4. K

    Hello! Looking for advice for a newbie

    Hello everyone! I am a brand-new collector, trying to begin my collection before I head to Disneyland for the second time in August. I spent most of last night reading through threads, but many of the posts on counterfeits and scrappers left me skeptical of trading in the park (which is what I...
  5. Need your guys help!

    I was wondering if anybody could look at this picture of Pin 77710 and tell me if this is a scrapper or not. I have looked at it for hours and tried to go over all the obvious scrapper notes. But I just can't tell if it is. So I need your guys help what do you think is it a scrapper or not. Any...
  6. Good ebay sellers and ebay tips

    I was just wondering if anyone could PM me some good ebay sellers' usernames for pins. :). Also, I'm pretty sure I have asked this before, but what are some good ways to know if a pin is real or scrapper? Or when a pin is so cheap it can't be real. What's the price range when that happens...
  7. Variations Between Two Of The Same "Official" Pin

    Is it normal for two pins from the same store, in original packaging, etc., to have slight variations? I have two that I know are both official, from the same store and same day of sale, but I notice things like slightly thicker metal lines in some areas (as if the paint was less or more) and...
  8. Question about Hidden Mickey Duffy's Hats

    While I was at Disneyland with my sister a few weeks ago, she decided to start collecting the Hidden Mickey Duffy's Hat pins. I had a fair amount of them in my traders, and she found a few more out on the lanyards (including some rather obvious fakes). She's only missing four (make that two)...