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2014 Designer Dolls - Fairytale Collection Part II

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2014 Designer Dolls - Fairytale Collection Part II
What the hell!! The pins a sold out I guess......this is so annoying!
I was only lurking tonight since I didn't want the whole set. I only wanted 2 possibly 3 out of the set but dang that went fast. Now I'm worried for how crazy it'll be when they're sold individually.

Thanks to the link fairy though. The original Disney link does not link to the pre-order page - I attempted to go through with the process so I probably would've been able to place an order for the set since I was able to get to just before "place your order."
I don't know how people find these links. I am not tech savvy enough or something??? It's frustrating enough just collecting the dolls, but the pins go in seconds! Grrrr.....
Did the pins even show up??? They sold out very quick....how??? It's impossible to get them
There are mugs and lithos, as well as attire. If I was a woman, I would probably get some of those shirts. I love the hand-drawn look of them.
Looks like I got my doll set, but I'm not going to get my hopes up until a day or two where the order statuses will be updated.

I'm very, very disappointed in the lack of merch this year. I was hoping for a wallet/purse/something along the lines of accessories like they usually do. Oh well.

I know, I thought there would be more...
Does anyone think the Cinderella hoodie will sell out? I want to see if my Disney Store has it but I wont be able to order it until this afternoon if they didn't get it. I was hoping for a Cinderella shirt but I'll take a hoodie.
I'm going to cry...I was in the pin forum, not here, and didn't get the link fast enough. No dolls, no pins.

Aww don't be sad! Nobody expected the pins to sell out before anyone could even find a link. And at least with the dolls, you still have a chance to get them by buying them individually! Sorry just trying to be positive .
I was just able to add the dolls to my bag a couple of minutes ago, so if you didn't get them, keep trying! Not all hope is lost!
Did they not do a dress like the snow white one last year?
Apparently not. I was staying up mostly in the hopes something cool like that would come up, but the additional merch this year is
pretty barren :/ My hopes weren't too high because it's not an expo year, but still, the villains line had more variety than just shirts, mugs, and journals.
I'm not worried about getting the dolls, I honestly don't want all of them but I really wanted the friggin pins!!
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