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acme/hotart pins

acme/hotart pins


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united states
the acme/hotart pins I notice they come in different metals.black,silver,gold etc but the front of pin all looks the same.is the different color metals does one color seem to be more popular than the others or is it more of a preference thing among collectors and the color they like? thanks
the acme/hotart pins I notice they come in different metals.black,silver,gold etc but the front of pin all looks the same.is the different color metals does one color seem to be more popular than the others or is it more of a preference thing among collectors and the color they like? thanks

preference thing.

When PinPics did HotArt pins, they did different metals. They also had some exclusive to the Asian markets done in black or silver metal while US markets got gold metal.
I have own some of these and have traders in the different metals. If I have more than one metal for a pin, I will offer the other trader a choice. I don't think anyone who I offered a choice to over the years has had a strong opinion about the metal base they receive. Usually, its a verbal "I don't care which metal", but because you offered will make a choice.

My anecdotal experience:
1) none of the metals are more popular than others
2) there may be a slight preference, but most traders are indifferent.