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Auction Ended: Another Auction for an oldy but perhaps a goody #5648

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Auction Ended: Another Auction for an oldy but perhaps a goody #5648


New DPF Member
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So once again going through my pin book to see what has to go because it has been in there to long.
This is what I find a mickey LE 1000 mystery pin that has been in my book for 7 years. Okay its time for a
change. You guys know the rules

No Cash

What am I looking for?

My wants would be nice but not a must
What I like besides my want list Friday 13th, Haunted Mansion, Chip and Dale, Donald Duck

What I do not like
Hidden mickeys that are not on my want list
pins with lop sided trades/wants

Here is the pin and the Auction will end Friday Night 12 PM Central standard.


Good luck The first post will be a leaderboard
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