Best way to propose a trade?
Hello all, :wavey:
I'm still somewhat new here and wanted to ask for the best way to propose a trade with another DPF member...I've been sending PM's listing the pin I have (with Pin Pics ID and a link to the actual pin photo on Pin Pics) and the pin I am interested in trading for.
I've noticed that I still have some unanswered PM'd trade requests (some a couple of weeks old) and wanted to make sure I am going about forum trading the right way. I do believe I send fair offers (no asking for a LE pin that many people want in exchange for one of my OE pins that few people want). Should I also send a request through the Pin Pics trade assistant? Or should I just learn to be more patient - I get really excited about a possible trade and it's a challenge sometimes to wait for a response! I hope I'm not the only one like this! :lol:
I have truly enjoying being a member of this Disney pin community so far and I want to make sure I am following the proper etiquette of online pin trading.
Thank you so much for your advice! Have a blessed day.