Brave Beloved Tales!
[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, メイリオ, Meiryo, MS Pゴシック, arial, sans-serif]I made a trade for the Brave BT with some of my best pins from my collection in the hopes that I can turn it around to get some of my most wanted!
Do you have any Lion King pins to trade? I am looking for Disney Auctions and other HTF Simba pins! Please contact me with offers or leave comments in this thread. Thank you!!
(I will try to post photos/icons later of my most wanted LK pins, but for now my wants list on PP is pretty up-to-date [/FONT]
Do you have any Lion King pins to trade? I am looking for Disney Auctions and other HTF Simba pins! Please contact me with offers or leave comments in this thread. Thank you!!
(I will try to post photos/icons later of my most wanted LK pins, but for now my wants list on PP is pretty up-to-date [/FONT]