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ZAPPED! Bridal Birthday Zap!

ZAPPED! Bridal Birthday Zap!


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I am running like headless chickens this week and I don't even know why :lol: It is recital week for my daughter's ballet class and although I try not to be one of those all consumed stage moms between practices, make up & costume trying etc, I got .... a bit lost. They make a big deal out of this and it eventually rubs on.

So, a big apology goes out to my "newly wed again" friend Debi for posting this so late. I received her very thoughtful package on Tuesday actually. How many people who go on a Disney cruise to renew their wows would think of zapping cyber friends? It was her 25th anniversary after all and she was there to celebrate. That captain being easy on the eyes must have been a bonus ;)

Here is what I received from her:


Thank you so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness Debi! I wish you and hubby many happy years together :)
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Debi, do not let your hear be broken over pins. This is for you :)

Hi Selen
Congrats I knew Debi was doing something for you:)Congrats again Selen..so deserve this!!
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very nice Zap Debi I like to see people get zaps have only ever had one but got a special surprise with a trade not a zap was told there was a surprise in the package. Enjoy the zap Selen

to all Happy Trading and God Bless