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Auction Ended: Closed...Auction: Beauty and the Beast: April Shower Series and DLRP Ariel pins

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Auction Ended: Closed...Auction: Beauty and the Beast: April Shower Series and DLRP Ariel pins
As of now itchforstitch and Chipdale are still the top bidders :wiggle:
I only backed out of the auction. Why wouldn't that be allowed? It's not like you picked me as the official winner and then I backed out. I truly am sorry for inconvience though
Someone made me a trade offer that involved the Bambi PODM pin, which is why I backed out before you announced a winner. If I received the offer AFTER you said I was the winner and then I picked them over you, THAT would be bad and unreliable pin trading.
Every time I put up an offer I remove the pins from my trading list, it's called honest trading. If you were double booking people for the same pin regardless of an auction or not, it's still unreliable and bad etiquette! Or maybe dishonest, not honorable... That's all... Let's move on please :hsd:
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Pin 89809: WDI Sorcerer Hats Mystery pin collection Villains #5 - MOTHER GOTHEL
Pin 89810: WDI Sorcerer Hats Mystery pin collection Villains #5 - HADES
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