CM Dissapointment
My family arrived last night in Tampa, FL at a family members house. We had just finished off a 3 day Disney trip which was packed to the brim everyday.
We went to Magic Kingdom at 9am on Sunday and did not leave until 12am. Then on Monday we went to Hollywood studios from 9am-11am.
Now onto the Title. CM Dissapointment.
When we first got down to the hotel ( Music) I jumped into the pin trading game! I went right to the gift shop area and found that there were 6 cast members all with pins. I happened to see they had just busted open a new bag of pins. They were nothing special ( the starter set you get ( for 18.95) when you buy $40 worth of pins. I liked them so I waited until they handed them out to a few of the CMs. Then I made my move. I scooped up all of them at once. Now to be fair nobody else was in there trading so I did not feel bad about doing it and I gave some nice traders in return.
So that was a positive experience.
Then we went to DTD on Saturday night. Once again positive experience as I picked up a handful of pins. Nothing out of this world though. Still positive.
This is where it all went south.
We went to magic kingdom and I was excited to start trading! We hit up the main street shops. I was about 2 trades in when I started to notice the pattern.
I know we have all talked about it on here before and those of you that are lucky enough to get to the parks everyday ( or 1 time a week) may get a break in this pattern.
All of the CMs had nearly identical pins. And they were all potential scrappers. I even traded for an extra Minnie pin ( from the set earlier described) and the back post was loose.
I only traded for about half the day before getting discouraged. Then to top it off these 2 kids ran up to me and asked to trade. I said sure thing and the 1 girl traded just fine. I let her pick any pin on my lanyard in return for any pin. Then the boy ( 10 years old roughly) picked a pin and handed me one and ran off before I could look at it.
It was a pin from a local chinese restaurant. I was not angry. Mainly because I did not mind losing the scrapper and he was 10 so I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and saying he had no idea what he had.
So I kept looking at the CMs ( which is awkard when you are staring at there chests! I do announce I am looking to trade but when I walk by a CM I do tend to stare. HAHA)
So the rest of the day was spent picking out some pins to buy.
Monday was even worse for me. I only had my lanyard out for maybe 2 hours. Same deal. Same pins on every CM and all potential scrappers. Now when I say potential scrappers I am talking about the ones that I have read about on here and that I got in the mail from ebay ( back when I first started and had no idea about scrappers)
It was sooo disappointing. I put my lanyard in my bag and just enjoyed the park even more than I already was.
Overall my time there was AWESOME but the pin trading was not. I only noticed maybe 1 or 2 people trading there own collections and I had left the bulk of mine at home so I did not even bother with them.
I did buy some really nice pins though that I am very excited to add to my collection and traders. Not too many LE pins out there or maybe I just missed them completely.
I will have another thread at some point here with pictures but I picked up a nice stitch rack pin and a really neat bambi 70th anniversary LE pin ( like 2k though).
I bought a box of those confection pins and got some neat ones. Bought plenty! I will have to update my traders too!
TL;DR- I noticed all the CMs had the same pins. Dissapointed both days at the parks. I will get over it! Thanks for listening!!
We went to Magic Kingdom at 9am on Sunday and did not leave until 12am. Then on Monday we went to Hollywood studios from 9am-11am.
Now onto the Title. CM Dissapointment.
When we first got down to the hotel ( Music) I jumped into the pin trading game! I went right to the gift shop area and found that there were 6 cast members all with pins. I happened to see they had just busted open a new bag of pins. They were nothing special ( the starter set you get ( for 18.95) when you buy $40 worth of pins. I liked them so I waited until they handed them out to a few of the CMs. Then I made my move. I scooped up all of them at once. Now to be fair nobody else was in there trading so I did not feel bad about doing it and I gave some nice traders in return.
So that was a positive experience.
Then we went to DTD on Saturday night. Once again positive experience as I picked up a handful of pins. Nothing out of this world though. Still positive.
This is where it all went south.
We went to magic kingdom and I was excited to start trading! We hit up the main street shops. I was about 2 trades in when I started to notice the pattern.
I know we have all talked about it on here before and those of you that are lucky enough to get to the parks everyday ( or 1 time a week) may get a break in this pattern.
All of the CMs had nearly identical pins. And they were all potential scrappers. I even traded for an extra Minnie pin ( from the set earlier described) and the back post was loose.
I only traded for about half the day before getting discouraged. Then to top it off these 2 kids ran up to me and asked to trade. I said sure thing and the 1 girl traded just fine. I let her pick any pin on my lanyard in return for any pin. Then the boy ( 10 years old roughly) picked a pin and handed me one and ran off before I could look at it.
It was a pin from a local chinese restaurant. I was not angry. Mainly because I did not mind losing the scrapper and he was 10 so I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and saying he had no idea what he had.
So I kept looking at the CMs ( which is awkard when you are staring at there chests! I do announce I am looking to trade but when I walk by a CM I do tend to stare. HAHA)
So the rest of the day was spent picking out some pins to buy.
Monday was even worse for me. I only had my lanyard out for maybe 2 hours. Same deal. Same pins on every CM and all potential scrappers. Now when I say potential scrappers I am talking about the ones that I have read about on here and that I got in the mail from ebay ( back when I first started and had no idea about scrappers)
It was sooo disappointing. I put my lanyard in my bag and just enjoyed the park even more than I already was.
Overall my time there was AWESOME but the pin trading was not. I only noticed maybe 1 or 2 people trading there own collections and I had left the bulk of mine at home so I did not even bother with them.
I did buy some really nice pins though that I am very excited to add to my collection and traders. Not too many LE pins out there or maybe I just missed them completely.
I will have another thread at some point here with pictures but I picked up a nice stitch rack pin and a really neat bambi 70th anniversary LE pin ( like 2k though).
I bought a box of those confection pins and got some neat ones. Bought plenty! I will have to update my traders too!
TL;DR- I noticed all the CMs had the same pins. Dissapointed both days at the parks. I will get over it! Thanks for listening!!