Cool Ebay lot with Countdown and Hercules pins
I'm not promoting the auction or anything, it is just a cool lot of pins and I need someone to tell, "Hey! Look! Look at these pins!" -and no one in my house will be genuinely THAT excited about it. They will show "polite interest." :lol: BUT besides the bunch of countdown to the millennium pins, there are nine Hercules pins I hadn't seen before, which looked pretty cool, and are actually an old propin set -complete - with lots of wants. I know there are people on here who buy collections, too. And it's
only 20 bucks right now! Sigh, with five days to go. Does anyone else look at some of the auctions and think,
man, if this auction was closing right now, I could totally score! Lol. But there could be a Herc collector on here looking for these, yeah?
Here's one:
I don't even collect Hercules pins, and I want them! Ha!