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Designer Mugs

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Designer Mugs
Thanks for the tips guys, I managed to land an Aurora mug so I guess I might as well get the last three. :S LOL
So I just purchased the final 3 mugs, i now have the complete set of mugs! Which I am so excited about, been a big week of spending for me but I completed both the designer set of mugs and the set of dolls! Can't wait to get them!!
wow! it's amazing how quickly you found those! i want them but eBay sellers are charging so much so for now, I only have 4....
So I just purchased the final 3 mugs, i now have the complete set of mugs! Which I am so excited about, been a big week of spending for me but I completed both the designer set of mugs and the set of dolls! Can't wait to get them!!

Congratulations! That was fast! You are sure to love them when they arrive!
Haha thanks Shivatopia! Yeah that was pretty quick but I managed to find a seller that had most of the mugs so things just lined up well which enabled me to get the rest of the mugs. Thanks for all your help and advice!
Haha thanks Shivatopia! Yeah that was pretty quick but I managed to find a seller that had most of the mugs so things just lined up well which enabled me to get the rest of the mugs. Thanks for all your help and advice!

You're Welcome, Polaris! Anytime! I really love this collection a lot, despite some of my criticisms here and there. In terms of item quantities (dolls, mugs, pins, etc), in hindsight, they really needed to have switched up the amounts they had for the Designer Villains with the item amounts for the Designer Princesses, and I don't think that anyone would say that it would have been too much. From a collector's standpoint, the more limited quantities may seem more attractive, but I personally wish that they made more of the stuff for the Designer Princesses so that more people could have them!

It's just kind of gross how expensive certain items have become: the mugs, the pins, and the lithographs. When some of these items can sell for more than a person's rent or at least a car payment, there is just something wrong going on. The dolls at least are mostly still in the not-too-expensive range apart from a select few (i.e. Designer Ariel, followed by Designer Belle and Designer Aurora).
I agree Shivatopia, I noticed that a set of princess designer pins sold for $3000. I could not believe that and even I thought that was way too much to pay for that item. Unfortunately I live all the way in Australia so unless they ship to Australia (as we have 0 disney stores here) there is no chance for us to have anything like this.

Also the mark up of items from the US to here is already rediculous for example there is a website that I wanted to buy something from that allowed you to order from the US or from Australia however the item I wanted went from being USD$22 to AUD$35 so that's a mark up of $13 plus shipping whereas it was free in the US. So ultimately it was cheaper for me to buy it in the US and then have it shipped to me here in Australia. It's rediculous. This was also the case for apple and Microsoft products. We even had a court case where they were taken to court to find out why they were charging Australians more for products that were exactly the same as their American counterpart. Some had mark ups of around 200%.

So for a few of these items I was willing to pay a little bit more because I was factoring how hard it was to purchase here and the cost of shipping. But that being said I have spent a bit trying to complete my collection as I only found about the Dosney collection late in the stage but in my opinion I think it's worth it. Granted one of my rooms looks like Disney fitted it out with their merchandise but it still looks pretty awesome and I can't wait to post pics to show offy collection which I am super proud of!
Yay, my Designer Rapunzel mug arrived today, finally! I managed to find one at a reasonable price after months of searching. I only own Ariel, Ursula, Gothel, Rapunzel, Mulan and Queen of Hearts. I know it's nowhere near a complete set but I'm happy with those since they're my favorite characters and Designer dolls. I would have love to add Aurora and Maleficent, but I have other grails in mind, other than spending $200 or more on 2 mugs.

Btw, share pictures of your Mug collection guys! I would love to see it, specially for those who own all 16!
Congrats on getting your grails Alex! I have to say that the mugs really are amazing. There are actually only two that I don't have and that is because I m not a big fan of he way they look. They are gothel and Cruella. I noticed that you have gothel, what do you think? Do you think the mug looks amazing? I have never seen it before and was just basing my judgement off pictures but to be honest it wouldn't be difficult to sway me to complete my set haha.

Mind you I have saved up for the Expo so if I was to complete my collection it would be after then.

I do have pics of all the ones I have now. When I get a chance I will post them up on here! Congrats again on getting the mugs you wanted!!
I remember my disney store clearance out the designer villains mugs......I didn't buy any because I have so many darn mugs as it is....
Wow, just looked up the prices for the Designer Princess mugs and they're ridiculously high! I have to say though, I'm very happy with my Designer Villains mug set. Funny how just getting one, then another two at a DS sale, etc. brings you to buying the whole set. Though too much of a good thing is too much of a good thing... mom's limited my kitchen 'mug space' to only two there at a time. XD

The only designer mug I have is Gothel haha. It is very pretty. The deep burgundy color on the inside really pops against the black on the outside. Combining that with the burgundy and gold features on Gothel's dress and hair, along with her diva pose, it makes for a very regal, elegant looking mug. I'll take some pictures of it if you'd like.

yes please if you could that would be much appreciated but only if it is not too much of an inconvinience, as I have been umming and ahhhing over whether or not I should complete my designer villain mug collection. Because right now I have fourteen of the sixteen mugs so am unsure if I should get the final two I am missing or just leave it as it, because right now I don't feel like I am missing out in much but not having either mugs. But I could be totally wrong and these mugs are probably worth it but like others have mentioned I too have way toooo many disney mugs haha. More than I would ever use.
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Wow thank you so much for posting those photos. I've decided that since right now the mugs are not expensive I might as well complete the set and get Gothel and Cruella. Thanks heaps for helping me decide!
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