Designer Villain trading question...
I am rather new to trading pins but I've been collecting for many years. This being said, I want to be a fair trader. There's a good chance that in the not too distant future (next two or three) I MAY get the Mother Gothel DV pin. I am not at all crazy about this pin but I understand that many Tangled pin collectors are and that she's the most sought after. This being said, I was considering trading it (if I get it) but I wanted to know if what I would be asking for would be fair. I'm not a good judge since I'm still rather new and I don't want to rip anyone off/get swindled.
I was thinking, ideally, that if I get her, I would ask for...
Pin 55688: - Elisabete Gomes - 6 Pin Set #2 - Oogie Boogie Only
Pin 81947: DLR - Disney Girls - Reveal/Conceal Mystery Collection (Giselle ONLY)
Pin 81319: DLR - Disney Girls - Reveal/Conceal Mystery Collection - Princess Tiana ONLY'
My husband collect Oogie Boogie pins and the Gomes one is his grail. I am two R/C girl pins away from finishing my R/C girl collection (my grail set). Would it be unfair to ask for all three of these pins for Gothel or would I have better luck splitting it up and either asking for Gomes or the two RCs? I'd appreciate pointers from some more seasoned pin traders. Also, I ask kindly, no PMs asking me to trade as it is not 100% certain that I am indeed getting that pin but there's a possibility. If I do in fact get it, be sure that I will be putting it up for auction/trade here on the DPF (that's my definite plan, not listing it on Ebay). Thanks guys for any advice!