Disney Best Friends Mystery Pins PN 90182
So I am a mystery set collecting fool. These pins, (Disney Best Friends PN 90182) a set of 16, are "randomly" packaged in bags of 5 for $25.00. I thought they were great when they first came out in 2012, and I purchased 2 bags when I was at Disney World last year. Much to my amazement, the 2 bags were entirly different and I had 10 of the 16 pins that make up the collection. My wife was in Orlando yesterday and picked up 2 more bags for me. These bags contained the identical pins. So much for random. The chances of 2 random bags not having dupilcates is small, the chance of 2 random bags having identical pins is small. but put them both together and it really tests "randomness". I now need 4 pins to complete the set of 16, and have duplicate of two pins and triplicates of three.