Alex Maher (Tinkerbelle and the Disney Castle), Monty Maldovan (Disneyland), Sarah Walters (Winnie the Pooh, Bambi and Sleepy from Snow White), Josh Holtsclaw (Buffalo, deer and moose hanging on a wall)
David Whitaker (Small World), Casey Ackerman (Mickey Mouse as captain of steamboat, magician and just drawn by a dragon), Dawn Ockstadt (Drive-in theater), Jose Pardo (Lady and the Tramp)
Donna Kozater (Dumbo), Mark Seppala (Cinderella’s mice), Laureen Biruk (gold Mickey Mouse), Linda Flynn (Main Street in Disneyland)
Martha Widener (balloons), Michelle Morrow (Bambi and Thumper), Mike Sullivan (3 Little Pigs), Keri Murphy (Scary characters?)
Chris Chapman (Disney TV), Krystina Robinson (Lady and the Tramp), Nicole De Rosa (Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride), Rachael Sur (The Aristocrats)
Quynh Kimball (Aladdin), Randy Noble (Walt Disney World), Tim Loucks (Tomorrowland, Matterhorn and haunted mansion), Todd Batik (Journey into Imagination)
Bob Holden (Mickey Mouse Club), Tyler Dumas (Robin Hood), Susan Foy (Jungle Book), Kyle Price (Goofy, Mr. McDuck-Christmas theme)