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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0

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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
[runs off to tinker with designer display]

The UK will have them, they must!
[runs off to tinker with designer display]

The UK will have them, they must!

Is funny for me thinking for the order the dolls came out...Shiva says if Ariel dont came out so early maybe the popularity of these dolls is less I love to suppose...But i think the order is that: Cindy,Ariel,Belle,Mulan,Snowy,Jas,Punzy,Aurora,Pocy and Tiana.

I hope you have right.. because when they says online store... maybe they says "US store" ... I hope they show the dolls in UK site.
O gosh.. here the hour is different... I really hope the dolls (Rapunzel specially,but all) came out in a good time.. I will stay up in the night..but what a bad and stressed thing! :shock: :shock: :shock: I have fear
I wish they were releasing the dolls first online, then in stores the next day. I really don't want to deal with the madness at the B&M stores, but I'm worried the site will crash again like with Snow White. If they had released them online first, you'd only have to deal with the line madness as a last resort.

As far as the money, you would have spent over $60 a week to get the last five dolls. You have time to save enough money to get the last dolls so I don't see an undue financial burden. If you were going to spend the money anyway what's the difference?

I think they are hoping that the people who are making a killing on them on the Evilbay won't want to spend thousands at one time to get multiple dolls. While I personally think Disney has created a nightmare in the making at the stores. The hopes that adults will act like adults is wishful thinking on Dinsey's part. Actions at the pin events should have demonstrated that.

That said, I will be at the store at my closest mall (a long way to drive) at 6:30 AM and can almost guarantee that I will not be first in line. People will camp overnight in their cars and other crazy things. I want one doll. Hopefully I will get her.

Oh what a luck you have! You have just the doll you want!! I just hate they left Rapunzel one of 5 left... ok she will be a true princess Oct 2 but... i wish just ONE doll. I don't care for the others! Lucky you Who is the lucky doll you want?
I need Aurora. I only wanted Cinderella, Snow White and Aurora. Those were the Princesses I remember from my childhood. I traded my Ariel doll for the Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland collector) and hoping to trade my extra Silver Cinderella for the Alice doll. Oh, I need Rapunzel for a friend so I'll have to buy two dolls. I have those three dolls in the early Signature Collection so I have them Then and Now.
This last time people were waiting for Snow White at 5AM at both of my local Disney Stores. I don't think anyone here will have a chance to get the dolls at B&M unless you camp out over night. It really all depends on how many of each doll they are going to have at your local store.

I for one will be purchasing online. There is no way I am going to deal with the B&M madness.
i hope the dolls will available on UK store online too..like the dolls before.!!!!

According to what I've read in the Disney Store Facebook page, they will be released in the UK stores and online at the same dates as in the US. Here is one such (unofficial) comment:
Tina Forehand UK has the same release dates. Also they are only going to have them in two London stores.

There is no official information on the release dates that I can find for the UK Disney Stores, or the online Disney Stores for Germany and France. They all refer back to the US Facebook page for further details, which does not mention whether the new release dates will apply to countries other than the US. Here are the Disney Princess Designer Collection product banners for those countries.

Disney Store UK

Disney Store France

Disney Store Germany

Mall chaos & dolls I want

Well I am really worried about the mall thing. There are so many entrances to the mall & it's a toss up which doors open first. I'd hate to be like those frantic people that put the merchandise before human dignity (remember the tickle me Elmo's? Lol) but I can just give it a try & see how it goes. I really want one of each princess but I'd settle for Rapunzel & Pocahontas. Hopefully after this Christmas season the hype will die down & I'll be able to get a decent EBay price for the rest.

I wanting to trade my collectors Alice + Queen of hearts for a silver Cinderella (after seeing the designer dolls id much rather have them) but it looks like you have the queen now!
I can't wait until October! I want this anticipation over! Ahhh!
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I'm with you on this. Online only for me.

It's amazing that I could buy Belle in person in the afternoon of Labor Day, when almost everybody in the US is off work. But the next doll Mulan, who isn't even one of the more popular Princesses, was sold out well before the store opened. The next Monday, I didn't even ask the CMs at the store about how crazy it was for Snow White, LOL. I'm not going to take the day off from work on Oct 17, and wait in line at a Disney Store to take a chance of being there early enough to get one of the few dolls available.

Here's a good example of the craziness of the Snow White release instore, from a Facebook comment:

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I really hope the dolls will came up on Disney UK site... Really!
Here's a good example of the craziness of the Snow White release instore, from a Facebook comment:

Yep, that was me. But I've sharpened my skills and my elbows are tiny and pointy and I'm learing how to use them. I'm also wearing heavy shoes so when they step on my toes they won't break another one. I'm going early and just saying a prayer that I get the two dolls I need. Then hope if I do that I can make it to my car without being mugged. Tip to those of you going. Don't carry a purse, put your wallet or just your CC and license in your pocket. Bring you annual pass since you might be lucky and get a discount (I didn't last time). Then you don't have to worry about someone knocking your purse and making you fall. I'm loaded for bear so if you see me coming in the mall - get out of my way :eek2: I will not hesitate to run you down, I will not grimace when I get the elbow in the chest or back, I will not fall when the big man backs up in line. I will stand my ground and be firm. God Bless Disney and Amen.
Thanks everyone for offering to trade for the Silver Cinderella. I have made the trade with the first person who asked me. That said, I do have a Belle doll that I would trade for the Mad Hatter doll.
I hope they are planning on hiring some sort of security guards for the madness of October 17th, in case people start fighting. Maybe that's why they're putting all 5 dolls on the same day-- so they only have to pay for it on one day instead of five? I can definitely say I'll be nowhere near the mall on that morning; I only really wanted Snow, and while I'd considered buying others I don't think it's worth risking my safety. All the talk I've read here and on other sites about planning to shove people out of the way during their race to the store scares me--I hope no one is seriously injured trying to buy these dolls.
That being said, I'll probably still try to buy online--who knows, maybe the delay in release is so Disney can work on their server being able to handle the increased traffic?
All the talk I've read here and on other sites about planning to shove people out of the way during their race to the store scares me--I hope no one is seriously injured trying to buy these dolls.

I agree...the way some people are acting is just scary to me. I was thinking about going to the mall to get Jasmine, but I think I'd rather try and buy her online. If I don't get her, I won't be too disappointed. Snow White was the one I wanted the most and I was able to get her, so I'm happy. No dolls are worth what this has become, IMO.
As was mentioned earlier, I also think that the "craziness" factor in the Malls has everything to do with how many of each doll each store receives. It could be Disney's idea that by having more product in the physical stores available, it will?? cut down the online logger jam [ the next day] that we have seen. I would think that they will have more simply because of dividing the sale into 2 sessions B+M and online. Even if space IS limited in the stores, it shouldn't be so hard for them because, obviously, the dolls won't be [there in the stores] very long.

I highly doubt that everyone in the lines at the Malls will be buying all 5 dolls! $300 + !! I, for one, would not be. I intend to contact my store before the 17th to find out how many they are receiving. They are excellent at sharing correct info.
I hope that everyone understands that while there is a lot of nudging and slight pushing, i have to think that no one would intentionally harm someone else over a doll. But I have seen tapes from Wal-Mart and other stores where people have fought on less. I hope that everyone understands that I'm a very tongue in cheek kind of person and that I would NEVER intentionally hurt another living thing ever!!! I know that my store is very small and that they won't get many dolls so I'm going to do my best and if I don't get one - well - that's life. I can always try to trade for one.

I think everyone is going to be surprised how many people will buy all the dolls. I myself see it as a convenience. I no longer have to get up every Monday for 5 weeks at 3 AM and hope I get a doll, I don't have to drive a long way 5 different times at 5:00 am to try for a doll. So for me, I think it's a great deal. One shot and you get it all or nothing. Kinda like the lottery.

I also hope they have some type of security so the lines remain orderly. Last time I got a broken toe when the big guy in line backed up and stomped on my foot. So I'm aware now and I'll take better care to wear better shoes. October 17 is a long way off and I'm not going to worry. What will be - will be.
I'm sure someone can work up the numbers on it, lol, but I can't see Disney Stores getting more than like, 5 - 10 of each doll though at most. That's still not many, considering if we are talking Every Disney Store location is supposed to get some dolls (minus the ones they mentioned.)
In my area they are 3 Disney Stores around. Only 1 carried the dolls and mugs etc. Yesterday I called my normal store that is closest to me and asked if they would carry the next 5. She said NO, but it is still early on and maybe Disney will change it to ALL their B+M stores. We shall see and as Margaret said, "What will be will be".
My DS is a smaller store, and they got 14 Snow Whites.

I am so hesitant now about going to the store....but i already got the morning off. And I am willing to get to the darn mall at 0600 if I have to. The only discouraging thing about that thought is if there are already 10-20 people lined up outside the mall.

But if i could be one of the first 5 in line, it would be worth it to me. I would just bring my iPad which has my nook/kindle apps on it, a big thing of water, some snacks....

I know i can't get both Monday and Tuesday mornings off, so I'm hoping that if I am not successful that I can somehow have the energy to get the dolls online. Maybe I could recruit my DH.

This is all so silly when I step back and look at it without my Disney goggles on....but I want those darn dolls!

Question- for those of you who are displaying them, how are you storing the cardboard sleeves that go over the case? I'm afraid of bending them. Maybe if I unfold them and store them on a shelf?

HAH. My location isn't.

They refuse to share ANY information-maybe that's just with me though.
If we can swing it, we may buy all 5 (well, sis may be sending me or vice versa since we both can't get off that same day)
Does anyone here live in Atlanta? I would love to wait outside with another Dis lover!
One of the CM from my DS told me they would be getting the same amount of dolls as the previous releases.
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