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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0

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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
There are 4 DS within a a 25 mile radius of me. The mall my daughter went to for Mulan and Snow White seems to be handeling the situation the best they can. They have been limiting the dolls one per person since the begining (since they only get about 12).

With the Snow White release, problems developed. The mall opens at 7:00 for walkers. People started lining up in front of the store but security sent them outside. Everyone was waiting nicely outside when others started going into the mall. Someone from line went inside the mall to see where they were going and found a line forming infront of the store. She informed those people that security had sent everyone outside until 9:30. The people infront of the store refused to move. The lady called security. The head of security sent everyone outside. Everyone was told that the line would form outside a certain mall entrance for the release of the following dolls. DS would, also, have to hire an officer to control the situation if there continued to be problems.

I was so surprised by the situations that many of you experienced (2 dolls per person and counting little children). I know Oct. 17 will be madness. I hope everyone gets their dolls.
So I sent an email to DisneyStore.com about the fact that a one princess limit would not totally work since anyone who buys in store can then go online and buy the next day also. Here is the response so far I just got today:

Thank you for your recent email and your candid feedback.
We appreciate the fact that you took the time to convey your thoughts to us and truly value everyone’s perspective. Your feedback will be forwarded on to management for review. The Walt Disney Company prides itself in providing quality entertainment and merchandise for all and we will continue to make every effort towards achieving that goal.
We look forward to future opportunities to meet or exceed your expectations.
Sincerely, -----
Has anyone else not received shipping notification for their Snow White doll yet? I had placed an order before others who have already gotten theirs. Also, I had ordered a set of notecards with the dolls that I'm worried I won't get now as they're sold out online. I've called and been told it's still processing but the dolls have been reserved for me--should I stop worrying?

What shipping did you get. I got 3 day shipping and I think that is why I got mine already. Plus TN is not that far way from my home state.
My Mulan took forever to reach me even after sending my tracking number . If you haven't got that be worried or at least call and have DS track with your confirmation .

I found this article interesting and take back what I said now in regards to Muli & Poci being considered princesses . I was thinking more on terms of the movies and the dolls are representing this :
Rapunzel will be officially welcomed as the 10th Disney Princess at an invitation-only star studded celebration at Kensington Palace, London on 2 October 2011. On this pink letter day, Rapunzel will join the Disney Princess royal court, which includes Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, Mulan, Pocahontas, Snow White and Tiana, along with VIPs, celebrities and little princesses from across the globe. Kensington Palace is the perfect location for this magical welcoming ceremony of Rapunzel as it has been home to many real life Princesses over the centuries

Thus the 10 princesses of the centuries ! Now thats cool ~!
My Snow White Dolls Arrive!

My two lovely Snow White dolls arrived today! I ordered them last Monday (naturally), and they shipped last Wednesday. The two of them were in a single shipping carton, which was the original shipping carton from China. It has new shipping labels, of course, but you can still see the original shipping label from Kowloon, Hong Kong to Memphis, Tennessee. It's funny that the original label has the following description of the contents in large letters:


Since they are in their original carton, they are twins! That is their COA serial numbers are consecutive, namely #3997 and #3998 (of 6000). The first one's condition: there are slight scratches in the nameplate, there are a couple of very small dark smudges on her face, there are slight scratches in her chest, the apple is held in a position like she is about to let it drop. The second one's condition: her hair is a bit messed up, including a long flyaway hair in front of her face (over her left cheek), her golden skirt is slightly wrinkled, there's a slight scratch on her chest, and her apple is also held in a sideways attitude. The scratches and smudges are only apparent under close observation, with very bright lighting. The hairnet holding her hairdo in place seems to cover almost all of her hair, so it would be very difficult to remove without messing up her hair. The product images do not show any trace of the hairnet, so they must have removed it before taking the photos, or never put it on. I believe it's already been mentioned here that Snow actually has her teeth painted over with her red lipstick color, so it looks like her mouth is closed, and her lips look fuller than they really are, unless you look very closely at them.

I will give the #3997 doll as a gift, and keep #3998. I intend to debox the one I keep to fix up her hair, improve her pose, and take a peek at her shoes (LOL). I will try to post some photos here later.

P.S. I've found out that the display cases are stackable. The base fits over the top of the display case very snugly, so it is an option to stack one doll over the other, if you wish.
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I'm in the same boat. I check the tracking for my snow doll & it still says it has not shipped yet... But I have not gotten the dreaded "email" either so I am still hoping I get my doll! I have since then placed an order for a snow white compact & a couple of singing dolls & those should arrive tomorrow..
Aww I really do hope you get yur Snow white dolls i was sooo nervous waiting for the confirmation shipping notice on mine
Anyone know news?? i mean...for the "Online" dolls of October 18th? I read some say "One doll for one hour" ... who knows if that is true and when the dolls realized online? Im going crazy
Rose OMG i know i heard that to i hope its just a rumour

I dont think this is a "rumor".... thinking: if they put all 5 dolls togheter ALL order 5 and the site CRASH up in ... 30 seconds??
If they put one doll in one hour ... the ship is different and dont so much people will get all 5 dolls...maybe just one they loose the day before.

I don't know. I hope is a rumor for the "anxiety of being up to pc for check every minute" but maybe is good for a "slow" sold out.

I just hope Disney or Someone comunicate the certain things for the online sales..Because i feel nobody in US can help me for get one.

I am sad
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You are funny Wish we lived near each other, sounds like we'd be a team to push back and outrun all these jerky sharks *lol*

I may just wear body armor

I have a guest room if you want to come practice "mall attack" patterns with me. I'm speed walking every day and may, as part of my ingenious disguise, take up mall walking and just make a small loop in front of the store. Who would suspect little ole me of actually being there for a doll

I too have not heard any news about the shipping of my doll. My order still says "active" and DS tells me the same thing, that my order is still processing and has been reserved for me, but didn't they oversell the dolls? How can they have enough dolls for those of us whose order is still processing? I'm very worried, especially since I ordered the 110th Rapunzel and she is now sold out. She's already going for $50+ on ebay, and I'm not paying that. If I have to I will get in my car and drive across the country from Oregon to Tennesse and bang on their door until they fix it. I've had too many problems with Disney over the years, I can't take another one.
Has anyone received a refund on their statement [or through PayPal] for a doll that was cancelled? I am still waiting for DS to credit back my PayPal account.
I think it's just a rumor. Besides that it doesn't eliminate the website problem there would be the same # of people online for each doll if they did that and 5 times as many orders, plus 5 times as many orders for Disney to check to make sure there are no duplicates.
I'm still hoping the have a bundle option, of that all the dolls may be on the same page. That's probably just wishful thinking, but I had trouble ordering some ornaments last night. The site couldn't have been that busy and still took me 20 minutes to log in. That made me even more nervous about ordering on the 18th!

Yay! Great idea! Maybe they put single dolls and a bundle option with a standart shipping (big big package )
I wonder what a pack can have inside 5 dolls with boxes like that!
I really hope all will be good... I notice on calendar 17 and 18 October lol ... I am afraid and tired.

It was someone who posted on this board speculating about the 1 doll per hour online release...I really doubt they would do that. Disney did say that they would post the online release information at a later date and to "stay tuned"
===============from their announcement (item 2)======================
We will then have a Disneystore.com release of all 5 Disney Princess Designer Dolls: Tiana, Jasmine, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty and Pocahontas, the following day on 10/18/11, at a time to be determined – and will be communicated at a later date.
I hope the rumour about them only going to the London stores in the UK is just a rumour. There's a Disney store within walking distance, but if I have to go all the way to London I'll miss them for sure.
It will only be London in the UK, they've never been available elsewhere.

But you have these dolls in London (lol) i should pay gold for the Milan Disney Store (the only in all italy) could have them >.<
I should be in line for hours and hours for THESE dolls!

Frustrating and stressing thing >.<
Question for everyone with dolls: what you guys are doing with the box sleeve? I want to display it but dunno how :3. I'm thinking it about putting it in a box while I figure out what to do with them XD
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