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Disneyland Paris- Trading Tips?

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Disneyland Paris- Trading Tips?


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There's a chance I might being going to the UK and Paris in a month or so, so I thought I might ask some questions...

1.) I know the pins and events get announced kind of last minute, but do they have a trend (like the first weekend of the month)? Are they on Friday or Saturday? Have any been set for late February or early March?

2.) Is there any trading except at these events? Trying to decide if a book or two is worth it.

3.) Which characters are popular for trading? Are people looking for HKDL/Japan pins, or would I do better with the stuff from WDW?

4.) Any tips on buying pins? Is it only OE stuff, or are there LE pins (outside of events)?

5.) Any general tips for DLP? We'll only be going one day, unless there's an event/trading night, in which case we'll come back for that. I'm pretty used to the parks, being on Orlando, so I'm looking for tips that are more specific for the way in which the parks are different from here, or things specific to the short cuts and/or events/restaurants in this park. How's the Star Wars event?

Thanks for any help!

Hope I can answer your questions

1. There is a PTN every last Friday of the month. On the 27th the new flyer with pins get released and the date for the next PTN. If there is a pin trading day it will be announced on the flyer too. The pin events are normally 2-3 times a year. The last one was last month so I guess there isn't one coming soon

2. In the weekends pueble trading post is open. It's a little shop in Frontierland and outside are trading tables. I find more people trading at the tables in the weekend after a PTN. They also have a pin trading board at Pueblo. They used to have one at Harrington's too but not sure if they still have.

3. Popular are princess pins, cats, dogs especially WDI and DSF pins but there are enough people looking for HKDL/japan etc pins too. Best is to go trading when there is a PTN

4. OE pins are for sale in several shops. LE pins get released on specific days (always mentioned on the flyer) and mostly at the pueblo pin trading post. The LE pins that don't sell out immediately will be for sale in Harringtons on Main Street (there is a glass cabinet at the registers where you can see which LE pins are available) also some of the hotel shops carry pins that are sold out in the park.

5. I can't help with comparing to WDW because I've been there 17 years ago and can't remember a thing
Hope someone else can help with this question and maybe have some more info as well

Thanks for the help! I think I got unlucky...I'll be busy during the last weekend. The whole reason I'm going is for a convention in London, and the convention is that weekend, so I'll be in London. Too bad...I've always wanted to go to a DLP PTN.

Thanks again for all the info!
Everything previously mentioned is great advice
Also regarding the differences , I found WDW much the same in terms of layout . Frontierland is to the left , Tomorrow Land to the right . Everything else straight ahead .
Phantom Manor is in frontierland though .
Their version of Hollywood Studios is literally right next to MK so you can easily access either on foot , it's much smaller though but does include the awesome Ratatouille ride .
They still have the older paper fastpasses at DLP but I personally found most rides didn't have a long enough queue to worry about them (Except Ratatouille & Crushes Coaster but they both have single rider lines)
I could go on for hours but if you have any specific questions I can certainly try and answer
Dlp is by fare better at trading and have much more better pins but some do have fake pins on. And you mite find some cast members refuse to trade with you as I found this and they said it was there own lanyard and not for trading you will find a lot of refresh lanyard pins and some even hard to find ones the rides are very good especially the new ratatouille ride but get there as soon as the park opens as the que does get very long they also have fastpas the paper ones which is good always look in each place that sells pins as they are always different in each shop have fun and enjoy your holiday
I'm so happy to find this thread today as we'll be going to London in July and are taking a side trip to DLP for a day and a half.

Thanks to everybody who posted stuff here!
The pin board at Harrington's is still there It is brought out at 6PM every night, that's usually right after the parade. I do like to ask in the afternoon whether they are expecting the pin board to be opened, as sometimes they don't display it when there is an event happening or coming up the day after.
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