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DisneyStore Limited Edition 17" Dolls Discussion

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DisneyStore Limited Edition 17" Dolls Discussion
Someone on my doll Facebook page uploaded a picture of the Frozen Fever Anna. My god. She is GORGEOUS. I am almost tempted to buy her now even though I need to save my money. But I can't even imagine going for both her and the Tsum Tsums on the same day.
That's the one! God I can't get over how beautiful she looks!

EDIT: Also, that's the corner of Elsa's box beside her. Hopefully we see her soon too!
I'm so ready for that madness on Nov.3 !!! I'm just going to be so mad if I lose Elsa to a scalper on the front of the line! Quick question, about how early did people start lining up for the 2015 March frozen dolls?

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The perfectionist in me squirms at the boxes being stacked on top of each other, some of them upside down.

The curious cat in me wonders why the FF Anna is floating...
Its at one of the Disney Stores in the back where they keep all the merchandise that gets shipped in and hasn't been put on the shelves yet. The person who posted the picture said her brother worked at the Disney Store.

Looks like that store may only have gotten 8 Annas.....hmmmmm
I think that's a good idea I'll probably call two or three days before just to check.
really hoping my store gets them.

I think the picture was uploaded sideways if you look at the shelf - it'd look like they place the dolls on their side instead of on top of each other.

You are right. I rotate the pic by 90 degrees and it looks much better now. haha
Oooh sideways, of course! Why didn't I think of that? Those Hans/Elsa sets look way less precarious now.
Hello guys I'm new here. found this wonderful forum in google. I need your help. if I miss that FF LE ELSA I will die cz I missed SNOW QUEEN one. there I can find early link for her? I'm going to try to order from UK website.
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