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does anyone trade anymore???

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does anyone trade anymore???
I used to trade (here and through pin pics), but recently with trying to save for a surprise vacation, and being unemployed, it makes it kind of hard to trade when selling just makes more sense right now =/
I get a lot of lop-sided requests too that just floor me. They want my PTD's for a hidden Mickey. It does get frustrating because I really do enjoy the trading. I am not into the buying and selling for a profit thing. I do sometimes try to sell small pins that I can't seem to trade but that's it. It seems like the cost of pins has gone crazy so people want so much when they trade. If you don't have a ton of high end pins (which I don't), then it limits what you can get. I am not complaining, that's just how it is. I think that is why I get more enjoyment out of trading the smaller OE pins.

Maybe I'm the oddball, but I probably do 5 trades a week. Given, I have a huge wants list, and about a third of my collection is listed as traders (for the right trade). Now I don't trade in the expensive, really hard to find stuff as everyone seems unwilling to even discuss those trades, so I'm content dealing in much more common pins and doing a lot of trades. Have met some really great people doing it.
I've given up trading, I get requests and reply to them and then I don't get a reply back. Do I sound really rude when I type or something? :/
I would love to keep trading, as that is the fun of the hobby, but unfortunately, my "True" wants list, i.e. Scrooges, etc are dwindling, and it is getting harder to find those who have them and are willing to trade. However, I still respond to every request I get and still try to work deals when I can
Being quite far from the parks is what had me switch to primarily buying vs trading. I don't have access to great/good traders without paying $$$ for them and the cost just doesn't justify buying a pin outright sometimes... I still trade with random pin games here and there though...
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Ive got pins people want but then people just tell me no even if the trade is worthwhile and only after the few left on my wants list then I will stop trading all together and stick to buying
I think it has to do with the new pin pics. Honestly i really hate it. Yeah it is an interesting set up, but it is really annoying. I can't find half the stuff I am looking for, random pins that in no way match my search keep coming up, you can't just look at your matches with someone and it is weird. I always get the e-mails but then when I signed into the new one I had trade requests there that never went to my phone... I really hate it. It is a pain in the butt.
I pretty much just keep my PinPics as a catalogue of haves and wants. I've never accomplished a trade online, and with maybe one exception never even get a reply. I've considered deliberately buying traders (i.e.: looking at what was in demand before I went to DLP and picking up extras) but I just can't bring myself to spend the money for stock that I probably won't be able to move. I've found that just because people say they want a pin, that's no guarantee they'll even reply to an offer to trade it to them. Rather than spend the money on traders, I'm just better off buying the actual pins I want. In the end it'd probably be cheaper.

My girlfriend and I used to buy DSF pins that we thought would trade well (when we started) but we had the same issue. Just because people say they want them doesn't mean they want them enough to trade. =( Now I have a bunch of pins I can't move & only really buy what I want.
I sent over 100 requests this week. Only got 4 replies with "No." I almost never get someone accepting my requests, I have to accept theirs. The one person that did accept turned out to be a scammer.
Sorry we don't have matches, but I did look at others comments and used this opportunity to see if I could make a possible trade.
I've gotta thank tbear420 for starting this thread... Even though I unfortunately could not set up a trade with you, I was able to set up another trade and make some more good contacts.

Threads like this are good from time to time to revive trade activity IMO, so thank you tbear for everybody you helped by starting this.
once again thanks to everyone that has replied to this thread. i have traded more in the last 2 days than i have in the last 2 months. im also happy to see others have also made some trades from this. i was going to close the thread but i will leave it open hoping more trades will be made through it. im sure that will be okay with the admins!!!
I sent out a ton of trade requests 3 days ago, some on the old sight and some on the new sight and I got back only one reply from the new sight. I'm getting ready to just give up on online trading, at least on pinics that is.
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