DSF First time!
It was great! except they were setting up for the oscars in front of the store =/Hope you had a good experience
Hey Gwen and Cameron!! When were you there?? I was in K-town for dinner so I stopped in at DSF also... about 8:30-ish. We probably just missed each other. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Personally, I love that holiday peppermint ice cream that DSF is stuck with... so tasty. I asked the girl how much left over they had and she called it "seasonal" - I guess that sounds better than "left over." lol
LOL... we can watch the forum boards light up tomorrow with the new DSF flyer thread!!! Good detective work!
I saw that Mulan special but didn't read what it was until I saw the green tea ice cream in the freezer; I figured that had something to do with it. I thought about trying a PTD with green tea but I can get that anytime at 99 Ranch. Peppermint ice cream is nowhere to be found until November.
Yup. People will be all over the board! I actually never tried Green Tea Ice Cream. Maybe if they still have it next time I go ill give it a go. Do they have any other flavors that chocolate, strawberry, and Vanilla?
Um yeah... pretty much the standard flavors. And they rotate about 2-3 flavors throughout the year... like I heard they had Butterfinger ice cream at some point and I remember them having some other flavor but I can't remember what it was right now. The toppings and fudge make that sundae!! I believe you can choose other toppings and sprinkles but I always stick with the mickey sprinkles, marshmallow topping and hot fudge.
I love green tea ice cream but when I think of a sundae, green tea ice cream is never the first flavor that comes to mind. If I were you, I'd just go out and buy a pint someday at the market and try it by itself without all that extra stuff.