Going to WDW 11/17 - 11/21, Need Some Pin Trading Info....What to Buy, What to Trade?
DPF Charter Member
DPF Charter Member
We go to WDW ever other year, each time we go my daughter loves to trade pins. She has about 1000 pins in her collection including complete sets of Cast Lanyard\Hidden Mickey pins through 2011. She has yet to collect any of the 2012 pins. A few questions for anyone that can help:
- For those that have been to the parks recently are there lots of 2012 HM pins on CM lanyards?
- Like myself my daughter is a type A person so part of the enjoyment she gets from collecting pins is bringing a list and searching for the pins from that list. As I said she collects HM pins, she is also collecting Vinylmations so she will have that list. Are there any other sets that are floating around the park (WDW) this month that she might like to collect...mystery pins sets, starter sets, any thing else?
- Are there many vinylmations on the CM lanyards?
- Any pin events or pin releases while we are at WDW?
Thanks in advance....we are looking forward to the trip.