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Got these from eBay- new to pin collecting and curious.

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Got these from eBay- new to pin collecting and curious.
No need to apologize Milky, I do understand. I have collected pins for over 10 years now and once had WELL over 5000 pins. My collection is dwindling slowly because of sales in order to pay bills. It just rattles me a little when someone makes a general statement about selling pins when if I had my druthers I would be keeping them all as well.

As far as the latest pin Queen, I think it is real. It just slipped through the quality check, JMO.
Milky - Sadly the seller doesn’t, as they are not primarily a pin dealer/business person. They were just selling off a couple of odd pins they had collected. The rest of the pin looks great and the Queen/non-hag side is perfect. Seemings she will be going in my own personal collection and not be traded, I decided to keep her as it doesn’t bother me too much. If I ever get the chance to pick another one up in its place, I will. Then I will just use the blemished one to decorate a bag or jacket with. It seems legit to me and I have to say that I agree, its probably just a factory error.

Rocke01 - Thank you for the input! Two people have given me the same feedback in regards to the pin, so I will add her to my collection. As I have said, if the chance ever pops up for me to get one without the blemish, I will.

Thanks again for all the help everyone, you have all been fantastic! Its nice to meet so many friendly and helpful people, I really appreciate everyones input and advise!

Have you seen this list of Good/Bad Interent and eBay pin sellers?
http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2213419 I think this might help you even though it's like a year old...
Milky -

No I haven't seen that, but thank you for posting it! I will be sure to take a look. At least I can avoid any bad sellers listed there. Thank you again! :hug:

Jrdnsmom -
If you are talking about one of my pins, thank you- I agree! My friend is far too sweet to me.
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