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GRAIL CHAIN? - Looking for Pin 68827: Disneyshopping - Jumbo Art Nouveau Maleficent

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GRAIL CHAIN? - Looking for Pin 68827: Disneyshopping - Jumbo Art Nouveau Maleficent


Evil Fairy
DPF Moderator
Rating - 100%
127   0   0
Toronto, Canada

I'd like to trade for this pin, so I'm going to try out Moe's grail chain idea. Unfortunately, I don't have any single pins that would be valuable enough to trade for it, but I'm hoping that some combination of a few of my higher-end pins will get me there.

If you have this pin for trade, please post here with a list of the pin(s) you would take in trade for it. They don't have to be pins that I have for trade (although that would be really really nice) - hopefully someone will have the pins you want and join the chain.

BTW: I'd also be interested in buying this pin if anyone has it for sale.
Sure! As I mentioned above, it was Moe's idea. It should work something like this:

-- Person A (me) starts a thread looking for Pin A

-- Person B has Pin A for trade but doesn't necessarily want any of Person A's traders, so Person B posts in the thread: "I have Pin A for trade and I want Pin(s) B

-- Person C has Pin(s) B for trade and wants Pin(s) C for it

.....if it works, someone eventually can fulfill there wants from Person A's traders and the chain (circle) is completed....for e.g.: Person D sends their pin(s) to Person C; Person C sends their pin(s) to Person B; Person B sends their pin(s) to Person A; and Person A sends their pin(s) to Person D

That probably doesn't explain it very well, but that's the gist of it.
I don't have any matches to your wants, but I do have a number of HTF stitch pins if you're interested in taking a look at my traders.
Hello! I also have some of stitchandmaleficent's HTF wants including:

opening day tangled
opening day 2010 cast member
dsf Maximus
dsf stained glass rapunzel
rapunzel doll party pin
tangled PODM's (scene is of the boat where Flynn's hand is on her face)

I would be willing to trade them or a combination of them for these:

Pin 47869: Disney Auctions- elisabete gomes - Ariel and eric
Snow white PODM of Snow White and Dopey
Designer Princesses!

good luck!
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