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has anyone had to trade pins, you didn't have up for trade, or want to

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has anyone had to trade pins, you didn't have up for trade, or want to


RedBaron &Girl with magic hair
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United Kingdom
has anyone been in that situation where, for a most wanted or grail pin, you have had to trade away a pin you loved?
I don't pin trade that much because I don't want to collect all these pins and then end trading them all lol.
But anyway.
My mom had gave me this pretty haunted mansion pin it was the ride poster. She gave me that pin because i missed a trip to DLR.
And then when I got into pin trading I traded it for an Oswald pin. Which I felt guilty about but in the end I got the poster pin back so it worked out in the end but it took about 3 months to get it back again haha
But I don't really trade that much because I feel bad and somehow miss my pins in the end lol
If someone asks me for a pin they say is their grail and there is nothing on their wants, I sometimes will peek into their "owns" collection and see if there are any matches. But the person has to make the final decision to trade their keeper or not. I'm not going to pressure them to give up a pin they don't want to. But if they decide they want the grail more, that's up to them.

Did you let a pin go you decided later you shouldn't have? I've done that a few times, but usually while trading at the parks and I don't have a quick way to check trade/wants or values. It's tough in live trading situations when you can't take a moment to think it over. Also when you don't have many pins for trade it's difficult to get pins you want. I see you have ~36 for trade and over 140 wants. Unless the wants and trades match up pin-value-wise, trades may not be easy to make.
If someone asks me for a pin they say is their grail and there is nothing on their wants, I sometimes will peek into their "owns" collection and see if there are any matches. But the person has to make the final decision to trade their keeper or not. I'm not going to pressure them to give up a pin they don't want to. But if they decide they want the grail more, that's up to them.

Did you let a pin go you decided later you shouldn't have? I've done that a few times, but usually while trading at the parks and I don't have a quick way to check trade/wants or values. It's tough in live trading situations when you can't take a moment to think it over. Also when you don't have many pins for trade it's difficult to get pins you want. I see you have ~36 for trade and over 140 wants. Unless the wants and trades match up pin-value-wise, trades may not be easy to make.

no but i am pondering on trading on of my own only pins for a grail. i like the pin in question, but i keep getting rejected in trades and sale offers for my grail. its becomes very disheartening
grails are called grails because they are hard to obtain. sometimes people wait years for the right trade to come along. If you truely love the pin they want for the grail, then it is not the right trade. Never make a trade you will regret later. Be patient, grow your trader selection a bit at a time and eventually, you will have something that will get you the grail(s) you have been waiting for.
In order to get both of my grails ()I have obtained thus far I had to trade from my collection.I learned quickly that if you want great pins you need to trade great pins.
On several occasions, Ive traded away a pin I loved, and have since deeply regretted it, because Ive never been able to trade for them again. They werent hard to get pins or grails, and yet they still elude me. So wont be doing that again! LOL!
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