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Help with two oddly numbered DLRP stitch pins

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Help with two oddly numbered DLRP stitch pins


Almost >< A DPF Charter Member
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Redlands, CA
I have a question about:

Two gentlemen showed up yesterday with TONS of DLRP pins at DLR. They had literally 10-15 of each set of Paris' recent "Cast Members Refresh Lanyard" pins as well as the above pins and many more rare DLRP pins. They claimed to have spent a lot of time at DLRP but are from the US. I will say that I have gotten DLRP Cast Member Series pins from other traders and the ones that these guys had seemed to match exact and I am not questioning the legitimacy of those that they had. However, I saw something really, really strange about the two posted above.

Each one is supposed to be an LE 600 pin (pin numbers 49059 and 49061 respectively). And as always, DLRP LE pins are individually numbered on the back. However, the numbers on the backs of these did not feel right at all; they both said "001/006" on the back instead of "***/600" like they should have. A friend of mine traded them for both and the traders who had them did not want anything serious at all for them; only a couple of DSFs each, ones they knew were not very valuable.

I don't know very much about DLRP pins, but it felt strange all the same. My friends were ecstatic to get them until those oddball numbers were pointed out. They asked me what I thought since I collect Stitch hoping I would know something about them, but all I could do is look up the pinpics pages for each and show them what they were supposed to be. I told them that I could not put a label on them since I myself have never had them but that I would not have traded for them were I in their position. I can say that the pins were absolutely flawless, and they were both pin-on-pin like they are supposed to be. Other than the number issue, they were perfect.

Any thoughts or insight?
Hopefully I can attach photos of my pins whichI know authentic. They are both numbered normally

ON the front they are identical, as well as on the back, but the numbers again are "001/006" instead of the way yours read; "***/600". Thanks for the pics!!!
could they possibly be APs? I'm not sure how paris does their AP pins but a numbering like that would be consistent with an AP/PP run since only a small portion are made
Contact Matt at pinpics.com, he's the expert in the US AP's and PP's.

I had a PP of a Paris pin a few years back but was not marked with anything that would tell you it's a PP. Might be for that pin or may currently have changed? I was given this pin and when looking at the pin itself, there was glitter elements but the final production did not have it.

I assume that the first 001/600-004/600 as an example would be AP's since they are the first runs? The only solution I would think which would not be a good one is someone has the mold and did a print run with the 001/600 and did not change the number count. This would be one solution to having many sets with the single individual numbers. Who would not want the 001 of any pin.

The only know i know of in the states was DLR pin which had the xxx/500 was the Beware of Hitchhiking Ghost pin. http://pinpics.com/cgi-bin/pin.cgi?pin=51451&sid=8190.1338481199

There are a few Paris members on this Forum you can PM if they do not reply to this thread.

Good luck in finding your answers.

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Maybe they molder accidentally had the numbers reversed (006 instead of 600) and didn't catch it til the 7th pin? LOL. I have no idea...

I have seen DLRParis use this kind of numbering scheme on AP/pro-type pins in the past , sometimes it 001/004 as well.

It would make sense if there AP pins as there are normally 4 AP and PP pins made for each pin
a Gold,Silver,Black. and forgot the last color I am sorry so if there AP/PP pins this would make them #1 4 times
the sold #1 starts the series
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