I am so done with Pinpics trading
Don't get me wrong. I have made some nice trades on Pinpics but for the most part, many trades don't even happen because of such unreasonable requests. On a regular basis, I get requests from people wanting my PTD's and they offer me a hidden Mickey pin or other small OE pin. I am really blown away and just shake my head at some of the requests I get. Out of 10 requests, I may get one that is fair for both of us. I don't really get too many trade requests here on the Forum. I do all of the requesting so I guess it's hard to compare to Pinpics.
I had a person sending me multiple unbalanced requests, when I emailed them about it, he said pinpics doesn't know if it's an unfair trade. I tried to explain the they were the ones clicking the box on which pin to offer but they didn't understand. Kept sending me requests for my HKDL pins for Hidden Mickey's. I finally blocked them
I've only been trading online for less than a year and have had mostly positive experiences. The only thing is I'll get an offer, respond yes I want to trade and then nothing. No further communication.
I got an amazing artist proof pin by trading internationally even.