I have a question!! PLEASE HELP!! STRESSING OUT!!
DPF Charter Member
DPF Charter Member
I am also concerned with how authentic this pin appears. I would not have known it was a fake from looking at the back of the pin. The thing I have heard though is that many of these pins do not have the ice cream cones that run off the edge. I received the Tink GWP pin directly from DSF with my Pin Trader's Delight sundae and it, too, came in a clear plastic baggie with the red line! That baggie combined with the back of the pin made me worried I got a scrapper but DH pointed out that it is highly unlikely I got a scrapper directly from DSF. Then, other members told me that my pin was fine and that my pin was legit. Anyhoo, this is a bit off topic, but here is my pin. It came in the same clear baggie with red line at the top.
Edited to add that I do suspect your pin is fake because of the light weight and the fact that it has not been released yet.