ISO!! Please help!!

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ISO!! Please help!!


It all started with a mouse
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So I've been a little MIA from pin trading, since I finally graduated college, started a new job and have been crazy busy with the kids. WELL, I'm calling upon all of my friends here on the pin forum for some help!!
Here's my news!!

My fiance and I are finally (after four years and two kids) getting married, and of course are doing it at DISNEY!! Not only that, but I am going to be attempting my first half marathon (The Disney Princess half) the SAME day!! Crazy I know, but it's a small wedding of just 6 people and it's later in the day. LOL...anyway, here's what I'm hoping you can help me with...

A) I am dieing to find the Mickey and Minnie engrave it yourself bride and groom. I added them to my list of wants, and am hoping someone has them to trade!! I would like to add them to our personal collection!!

B) I am making up welcome bags for my two are traveling from Ohio. In the welcome bags, I'd like to include the "I'm celebrating" buttons. I need three total. I was wondering if anyone may have gone to Disney recently and gotten a few??

C) My daughter is going to be the flower girl and my son the ring bearer/keeper (he's four and insists he's not a I've tried seeing if there were pins for these, but didn't see any on pinpics. Does anyone know if they have something like this??

Thanks everyone for any help!!
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If you are going to Disney just go in the hotel and ask them for the I'm celebrating buttons and Just Married, they have them at the hotels and the World of Disney.
Hi Brooke
Congrats on your wedding..I wanna see pics when you get back!and on a side note..I need to WDW/Or DLR..or both Hehe
I am celebrating buttons as Larry and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary at WDW in DEC 2012...If anyone posted here has a couple
look me up,but of course Brooke you get yours first
If you are going to Disney just go in the hotel and ask them for the I'm celebrating buttons and Just Married, they have them at the hotels and the World of Disney.

The Just married buttons aren't what I'm looking for. I also need the buttons prior to arriving at Disney, since I'm actually meeting my guests at the airport. We plan to go out to dinner, and that's when I want to give them their welcome bags. The Mickey and Minnie "Just Married" are actually pins that are on Since we don't have much time before the wedding to go to DTD I would like to see if I can make a trade for them. This way they are engraved and done. Then as part of exchanging of the rings, we want to put these on too!
Hi Brooke
Congrats on your wedding..I wanna see pics when you get back!and on a side note..I need to WDW/Or DLR..or both Hehe
I am celebrating buttons as Larry and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary at WDW in DEC 2012...If anyone posted here has a couple
look me up,but of course Brooke you get yours first

Since our wedding is in February, I can always just grab a few extra while I'm there for you! Do you want the "I'm celebrating" or maybe the anniversary ones?? I'll put that you need them in my wedding planning book so I don't Also, I will certainly post pics! It's a small wedding..part of their Memories package...but Idc as long as I get to say I got married to MY Prince Charming at WDW!!
Hi Brooke
I am celebrating would be great!but if you get Happy anniversary
I could use them too:)Congrats again
No problem Judy!! I wrote in my Itinerary for the wedding day! LOL...I'll make sure I get them and send them off! Be on the look out for them sometime in the beginning of March!
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