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LE edition size vs. Cost per pin question

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LE edition size vs. Cost per pin question


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So I am trying to Trade for the Scar Villaintine Chaser pin from the Mystery Box collection, Scar is LE 250. Cost per Mystery box is $12.95. Folks are coming back that they want an equal LE pin to do the Trade such as one of the pins from the Imagination Gala - Remember When Set, they are LE 250, Set was $89.95 or about $22.98 per pin (plus the cost of getting into the Event).

When I point out the disparity between price points they say "but they are BOTH LE 250 and that's what counts". This just drives me nuts! LOL


Mike S.
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One thing to take into account is that the Villaintines boxes only had one pin in them, not two like mystery boxes usually have. So each pin was actually the $12.95 box price. It's still a lower base price than the Remember When pins, but less of a difference.

I'm guessing these people are looking at ebay/resell value as opposed to original price. And that value seems to be based on popularity of the pin subject. Villains tend to be more in-demand for pins overall than park attraction pins.
I agree with both of the above comments. The cost per pin is actually $12.95 since there is only one pin per box. But more importantly, when you buy a box, the chances are that it will be a regular pin, rather than the chaser, so there is risk involved.
Goodness! Say yes. Say no. Make a counteroffer but do not preach about a concept that is basically idiosyncratic. Telling someone what is a correct value of a pin is right up there with telling them what god is the right one to worship or whether Republican, Democrat, Independent or Flying Monkey is the correct political party to vote for!

Most of the time when people throw out their reason as "LE is different," or "price is different," I just assume they're trolls and move on. Now, I'm sure a lot of people will argue about that but it's not like I send a pm telling them that. Okay, once, but that's another story.

LOL, unless you're offering me a reason to help make a trade like, "no, not that pin but would you consider this," or "let me think about it/get back to you," I really don't need to know why you are objecting to the trade.

Granted, my offer may be lopsided in their opinion. They may think that their LE 100 with only 23 wanting and 1 trading is worth ten times the LE250 187 wanting/0 trading I'm offering because of price. So be it, dude. You can tell me how unfair a trade is all you want but 99.9% of the time it makes the trader sound like a presumptuous, self centered donkey in a TA email.

I do wish you well, however, in finding a trade for the pin. LOL, Disney needs to release more kitty butt lookalike pins to match Scar. :like:
Goodness! Say yes. Say no. Make a counteroffer but do not preach about a concept that is basically idiosyncratic. Telling someone what is a correct value of a pin is right up there with telling them what god is the right one to worship or whether Republican, Democrat, Independent or Flying Monkey is the correct political party to vote for!

I vote Flying Monkey every election :)
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