Looking for someone going to the Florida Project to bid on something for me...
(first of all - should this be here? or in the sale section? can someone please move this if it's in the wrong place? sorry! thank you!).
I'm wondering if there is someone out there who is going to the Florida Project event that would be willing to bid on something in the auction for me? And then send it out to me in the (hopefully likely) event that 'we' win? If you want, i can send the payment of what i am willing to go up to ahead of time, so that there is no risk to you (or i can pay you after if/when 'we' win, whatever you prefer).
If anyone can help me out, i would really appreciate it!! I'll even send you a pin or two for your trouble
Pleeeeeeeeease... have some fun bidding and spending someone else's money
Email is probably the easiest to reach me - tweedledum@gmail.com, but you can also PM me here (might just take me a bit longer to get back to you).