Looking For Wendy Darling Pins [Updated 7th Dec.]]
Wendy was always my favourite Disney character growing up, and I'm really hoping to expand my Wendy collection. She holds a special place in my heart and is one of my most loved collections, even if she is one of the smallest.Any help in obtaining any of the Wendy pins that I don't currently have would be much appreciated. I also don't have all the Wendy pins featured in this post as I don't want to overflow it with pictures, but I've included the main pins that focus on or include Wendy, if you have one that isn't on this list I would still love to see it! If you see anything on my trades lists and if you have one of these pins for trade then please feel free to contact me. I promise I don't bite..
Most Wanted [even if it's not on this list I want it, if it's not on either of the next two lists]:
Already in Neverland / Obtained:
It's passing the second star on the right and straight on to morning [and straight into my collection] / It's on it's way.. |
I may be getting these pins/I'm discussing possible trades for this pin:
I've sent/am sending out a ton of Pinpics requests for Wendy pins, so if you happen to get a request from 'Anya' looking for your Wendy pin - it's me.
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