Looking to trade a Lonesome Ghosts PODM for BatB PODM
I hope that someone out there is someone like me... I don't live near Disneyland (about 6 hours away), but we still make a trip every three or four months. Our trip this October happens to fall on the release date of the Lonesome Ghosts PODM. Though my whole family will be going to Disneyland that day, I am the only pin trader and nobody will be going with me. This means I will get TWO Lonesome Ghost PODMs. One for me, and one that I would like to trade for either a Beauty and the Beast or a Pluto's Christmas PODM. So if you're in a similar situation to me, and can make a future PODM, but not this one, let's help each other out! Please send me a PM and let me know if you'd like to do a pre-trade. Thanks so much!!!