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Monsters University have they been scrapped already. Help me please work out these :)

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Monsters University have they been scrapped already. Help me please work out these :)


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Manchester, UK
I risked it and bought some pins from China. I broke my first rule, however I did not know that they were coming from China until the envelope popped through my door this morning.
So I bought these two pins, to try and get somewhere on my monsters university collection.

I'm not sure if I am being paranoid or if I do have some scrappers. Please Help.

Pin 1:

The pin does have good weight to it, and doesn't seem to be of bad quality. However, I have just noticed on the right hand side, a piece of purple is missing in the enamel. I am unable to see on the pinpics photo if that one is the same, with the missing purple. I am just guessing that the purple should be there. So if anyone has got this pin and is able to tell me, that would be a great help.

Pin 2

Once again, this pin does have good weight and quality.

Please could someone help me uncover if these pins are legit or not.
Those look nice. However, if you got them from someone with a chilly name then that person is known to sell scrappers.
I would guess that what you have is the actual scrap from the production of Disney's run, as opposed to an outright counterfeit. The scrap isn't supposed to be available for sale. There could be some sort of error, that made it not clear quality control (like a missing piece of enamel, broken hinge, not sure if this set is supposed to have one nub or two) or it could be one of the overages they make to make sure they have enough good pins to fill the order, and so nothing is really wrong with it. Other than it essentially voids the edition sizes for Disney pins since now there are more of them out there than there are supposed to be.
Ahh. That does make sense and a thought I had in my mind. Sometimes, it is easier for someone else to judge your pins rather than doing it yourself. These pins are only going in my collection, so the LE number won't matter too much as I will not trade the pins on and also one is an OE pin. I left negative feedback about the pins being of poor quality etc. and am going to be even more careful when using evilbay. Thankyou.
Well, that's good to know. On Disney's official run of the mystery set, it's stamped with one of those numbers.

So yep, I'm going with that pin got "kicked out" since it was missing enamel on the foot.
Thing with this pin is that it looks legit in every way. The disney waffle on the back, the quality of the pin etc etc. it is just horrible how people can do this. I am going to keep the pins as there is nothing wrong with thm. Except that they didn't meet disneys standards at the last minute.
I made the mistake and purchased a Terry & Terry pin from that same seller from China. I didn't even think about it when I saw "China" as the location of the seller (dumb me). When it came, by the tentacles, was a huge crack through the paint, like you threw a rock at it! It was then when I got all the other pins from reliable sellers and realized that good ones have the number on the back because those passed inspection, and these scrapper pins are indeed rejects from the factory. It's sad though that buyers look at that seller's photos, which have good looking pins as the item photo, but get sent very, very bad ones. Thankfully that seller refunded my money after I complained.
My EEK came strait from the box at the park.... The purple enamel spot you mentioned is definitely present on mine. Also on the back of mine is the black numbering P923-3170-4-13084

My understanding is that not ALL of them had the numbers for some reason... However ALL of the ones I bought, (I purchased 13 boxes and saw all but Randall) have the numbers on the back.
Yes...icebaay is selling the scrappers of all the Monsters University pins. Remember guys--scrappers are created AT THE SAME TIME AS THE REAL THING...so scrappers are present and possible even before they are released at the parks.
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