Im so sorry to hear this! I only buy grab bags from people here to be sure I get authentic pins.
But please, if you got fakes, return the whole bag and get money back! Dont help filling those CM lanyards with fakes just because they have to trade with you. That how they always gets filled with fakes.
Or use them for crafting projects. Of course my kids have ended up with quite a few fakes after a day at the parks so we sort those out and then we use them as pins on my info board at work, we turned a few into jewelries and magnets for the fridge. They still look cute!
But please just dont trade them back to the parks. I know my kids were so sad when they spend their christmas gift money on buying real pins in the parks so they could trade on our first trip and when we got home I learned about fakes and saw that almost every pin they traded for are fakes. Those kids are the ones getting the bad end of the deal, not the CMs
But Im sure the people buying fakes on ebay on purpose to trade for real pins to make money were home and happy. And yes there are people doing that on purpose.
So please try to not be one of those who trade them at the parks just because you can, or because every one else is doing it. Its because of those people that CMs lanyards is always full with fakes.
Oh And Im not saying that you would do that, Im just writing this so new members understand how it works. We need to teach people about fakes to try to stop people from buying them in the first place!
Every change starts with one person!