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My DLRP Pin Trading and Purchase Haul :) Picture Heavy!

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My DLRP Pin Trading and Purchase Haul :) Picture Heavy!


New DPF Member
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London, UK
My sister and i spent last week in Disney Land Resort Paris, and we made alot of trades with fellow traders, cast members, and bought this months releases PTN pins, Heres what i got

A new 20th Anniverary pin Bag:

My Cast Lanyard / Trading board pins:

My Pin Trading Night Trades:

Mays PTN pins:

20th Anniversary Train board and Board Game:

20th Anniversary pins, and pins to go with train set and board game:

Other pin Purchases:

Duffy's bought for other people (but now wish id bought one for myself!)

And ive crossed over to vinyls, the beginnig of my collection:

Now all i have to do is reorganise my pinpics and bags!
What a great haul of pins!!! Looks like you had a fantastic time!! How was the PTN?? Love the little brother pins
it was mine and charlottes first experience of a PTN overall very good and got some amazing pin trades and the little brother pins were the cocktail pins, but we were a little overwhelmed to start with but soon eased in to it, also met some lovely people so that was cool.
Some Really Nice Vinyls, A Fun New Board Game, A Very Cool Pin Bag, A lot of Unbelievably Awesome Pins, and a couple Fluffy Duffys. Judging from your pictures it certainly looks like you had a great trip. I am glad to hear that you had fun at the PTN and at DLRP overall. Thank you so much for sharing.
ooooo you got the 20th Anniv lanyard and pins! I love that! When I was there in march thats the one thing I regret not getting...only because I ran out of money! lol
:eek2: Wow!! What a great haul! I didn't know the Paris resort had their own pin bags! How awesome! And you got a ton of great pins, too! Wow! Great job, thanks for posting the pics!
Great haul! SUuuuuuuuuper jealous of both the pin doll pin and the Cast LAnyard series pins, I'm hoping to get all of them because they are simply gorgeous in person! I got the Naveen when I went but didn't realise you could trade for the Tic-Toc- Croc at the PTN I was at. Wish I'd been more confident at the PTN as I might've gotten my punzel pin doll!

Can I ask? Do you by anychance remember where you traded the Disneyland castle pin from? As I traded one onto a CM lanyard in early April, just think it would be hilarious and fab if it was the same pin!
If you have any of the Cast pins for trade (I need the Croc and Capt Hook and latest Cast pin) would you look at my traders and see if there is anything appropriate.


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