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My First Disneyland "Table Trade"

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My First Disneyland "Table Trade"


New DPF Member
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This past leap day I went to the parks with my Gal and thought I would look and see the traders at the tables in Frontierland. Because I've never done so and Just thought I'd look around. The traders I talked to seemed polite and very interested in my Peter Pan's Flight Golden Vehicle pin I had for trade. So the offers came rolling in. There were, however, traders that gave me an uneasy feeling and very rude, and not just to me.

So the first trader I visited had some Awesome WDI pins and he said he would give me any one pin from his book for my Peter Pan pin. I politely declined but kept it open (I was hoping he had Roger, Goofy, Big Al, or the Muppets, but he didn't). He was very nice about it and said no problem and may the best man win it. (He made me question his pn knowledge; He said only eight Peter Pan Golden Vehicle pins were made. Theyre OE.)

The next trader was there with her son. Seemed anxious and fidgeted nonstop (Probably because it was cold and she only had a thin sweatshirt on). But she first off asked me if I was trading anything on my lanyard in a very unpolite tone (seemed annoyed and upset) And I said "Only if I see something I like." She stared at me as I was browsing her book. She had some nice pins. But still none of my favorite characters. So I thanked her for letting me look and she didn't respond. I was a little upset that someone can be so rude to someone else when all I did was say polite things.

The next trader (I think is on DPF somewhere) had amazing pins. I saw a pin I really wanted but didn't get to trade for. But this trader was very polite and laid back (These traders I like. No hassle at all.) And the next guy was great. He was friendly, polite, very excited to be there and said everything was for trade. He had a modest book of pins, and that shows he's not a show-off like most of the people there. I saw some characters I like. And asked to trade. He looked at my lanyard and asked me "What are you willing to give for these?" SO I put the pins I was willing to trade down and he said "Cool! we've always wanted these". So I traded a Chernabog and Scar pin for a Runaway Brain Mickey and Goofy as C-3PO with a Star Wars quote. I'm not out for value or rarity of a pin, but chase after my favorite characters, but who doesn't? But to some it's all about monetary value and or getting all of the rare pins to boast and brag about. If that's what you love to do, this hobby is not for you. But I could be wrong as some poeple make hundreds off of these babies.

Anyway, After this trade We talked about things other than pins. I made a friend :] That's what its about for me. Interacting with people and making new friends.

Throughout the night I've come to the conclusion that "Table Trading" isn't all that bad. Just have to be careful. I may take some other pins I'm willing to give for some Roger pins (I wouldn't mind more Roger). But then about a good 4 out of the 9 traders were just rude to everyone.

My Peter Pan pin got a lot of eyeballs but I'm not going to trade with Rude Traders. If youre nice to me, I'll be nice as well.

Will I Table Trade Again? When I decide which of my keepers to trade. Will I take a second look at someone if theyre rude and pushy? Never.
That is really sad. I hope you had a good time though. It's supposed be a fun hobby and meeting new people. Sigh.
I did have fun. I met Big Al. That was the highlight and probably the only reason why I stayed til 2 am. :D

But anyway, Some people make it a job to pin trade. When its a job and youre always on the prowl and on edge, it's not fun anymore.
I really enjoyed reading your post, I think you encountered the typical trade crowd, a bit of everything! I'm glad you were able to trade and YEAH, make a friend, that's my favorite part of pin trading too.

(He made me question his pn knowledge; He said only eight Peter Pan Golden Vehicle pins were made. Theyre OE.)
I laughed at this...only eight, huh? "I don't think so, Tim..."

I hope you are able to go to a PTN sometime. Same thing, only more people! Lots of fun.
Sounds like we need the Jaws theme right now. Big fan of Jaws.
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Glad you had a positive experience. I have been out there and sometime I am at the tables, but I'm always nice, willing to answer questions and even tell someone when they are trading too easy. (I.e. a small child or newbie giving a rare WDI for a new HM that you can attain fairly easy)

Im hoping everyone that has traded me, whether in person or online, has had nothing but a positive experience!!!!!

When you said the trader mentioned there were only 8 Peter Pan Golden Vehicles made, I thought he/she was referring to how many golden vehicle-type pins were made. I looked on pinpics, and it looks like 11 different pins were made (Peter Pan being one of them). Of course, I could be wrong, but 8 is closer to 11 than it is to OE!
Well I knew more about the Golden Vehicles so either way he was lieing to me. I remember going to the 50th at DLR and going into the what used to be a pin store at Crockett & Russell and seeing these as open editon. And even if I did explain that to him, He was telling me things I already knew. I was just kind of "Oh really? Neat."
Going with the flow if you will. But I do Understand what you mean, unibear.
Yes! Precisely, pincrazy1!

That's a little phrase I stand by also.

Another thing I'd like to add. There was another trader the following day and you could tell he was a shark. Very observant to everything and everyone that walked by. (He did a sort of Boardwalk Barker thing in which he would sway people to come over to trade with him. Like those annoying people at those carts in the mall.)
Anyway, I was talking to him. He didn't say much. But My Gal was telling him she probably had pins in a shoebox or something. He was immediately rude to her and was basically telling her what to do with them with an attitude; "Find them and buy a book. They're only 30 bucks. You should'nt let them shake and rattle in a shoebox."

I was like 'the Nerve' of this guy as he takes out pins out of his little purple velvet bag after letting them rub each other I'm sure. He asked me if I was trading my Golden Vehicle and I said "Not anymore" and walked away.

Anyway. Being rude is untolerabe. "Don't tell me how to tie my shoe." :soapbox:
I hope the trading at the tables goes a lot better. I hope you had a lot of fun.
hey hat is this table trading? iam of to WDW in may and will be the first time i have been since pin collectiong so any advice be greatful :)
Sean - your experience is very similar to the ones I have had not only at DLR, but also at WDW (when the tables were there!) & DLP. There are some really nice traders who I have remained friends with for years - even to the extent of meeting up with them when I am over at DLR (I'm from the UK) for a couple of hours at the Ho & just chatting "Pin Things" over a coffee & then there's the other extreme whereby they are just plain rude & arrogant, will not make a trade with anyone unless it is for what seems to be a financial gain or/& think that they know 110% about every single pin, edition, set, collection etc etc or/& what makes it worst is totally ignoring kids who trade for the sheer fun of it - i.e. "Go get your parent to buy something nice from the store for my OE"

I used to trade from the tables at WDW at DTD before they were removed, bringing decent pins from DLP with me to make decent 1 for 1 trades - at the time there were so-called traders who used to fit the description of Shark & tried to rip-off innocent guests causing arguments & general bad feeling - hence the removal of the tables. Traders at DLP also make me laugh wanting 9 of my pins for 1 of the Refresh Lanyard pins last year - so the general self-gain is evident at all Disney Parks!

To these people all I do is nod & move on - to me they are the exception & there are so many more great traders & friends out there - as mentioned just be careful & enjoy trading!
Which is why I love this website! (I now overlook that FacePage or whatever you call it) ;P

You can meet honest traders who are annoyed by and love the same things. And you can trade for pins you actually want! With a mutual agreement of course :]
I sometimes wonder how the rude traders get by in life.

Does Anyone else have a Table Trading story to share?
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