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ZAPPED! My First Zap! :) Ahhh... So exciting... Thank you Tnr & GhostTrains!

ZAPPED! My First Zap! :) Ahhh... So exciting... Thank you Tnr & GhostTrains!


Adventure is out there!!!
Rating - 100%
21   0   0
Tustin, CA
I was so excited to hear my husband say I had packages but I knew I didn't buy anything recently lol. So I guess this would be my first official Zap! I am so thankful for my new friendships with Tnr (Russell) and GhostTrains (Kirk). Russell gave me the last button I needed which was the pink one from Carsland and Kirk gave me three lovely pins. Thank you guys oh so much! :)I am loving them! :)
