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NBC pin event pretrades

NBC pin event pretrades


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So this thread is to set up pre-trades for the NBC pin event June 14, 2014.

Please look at either DPP or PP to see my traders. Both sites are up to date.

My user id is mcgilligan

Best of luck everyone.

I hope to see everyone in three weeks.

Also if I do not complete the NBC mystery set I will be interested in trading for the ones I am missing. Obviously I can not set up those trades now but keep me in mind if you receive any extras.
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Wow, you have some nice pins!
I wish I was going...I'd like to get a hold of a few of your traders.

Off topic. I have this pin below and would love to make a trade. It comes with CoA of course. Please look at my 'wants' and let me know if we can make a deal!

I will be going

I may not be able to bring everything though since I will be coming from Florida and have to take an airplane. Might not get to take all the boxed sets and stuff I have.

Feel free to look at my traders though, under racheltherabidrabbit.

I will also be trying to trade for pins from the NBC Mystery set that I did not get. I got 9 boxes so am hoping to get most of them
Mcgilligan, I have Jack in the El Capitan Theater Chair pin. Starry_solo I have a Narnia pin you have on your wants. I don't have many traders so I'll just bring what I have. I just collect Zero, but I'd be happy to trade with something you think is a fair trader to help you get pins you are looking for. I will have 3 mystery boxes... might get 3 more with my boyfriend's reservation if they still have them. I'm only looking for Zero, so all the others will be up for trade if anyone finds they need some.

pinpics is nbczero


thank you very much! Go through my traders and let me know which one(s) you are interested in, and I will make sure I bring them in June.
This is a long shot but if anyone is trading the framed set (Disneyland sign) from this event I would love to set up pre trade! Let me know!

I'm not on DPP but my PP is snazzybowtie

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I couldn't find Jack in a sold listing, but he is and has been listed at buy it now for $36 and not bought, so he is obviously less than that !

Would you be interested in trading one of these pins for Jack: 74188 (Stitch and Gingebread House LE450), any of the disneyshopping.com postage stamps you have LE 300 (I don't mind what character, you choose). If there are any other LE 300 pins (or around there) you would rather trade let me know. I just did a check on those to see what I could get and make sure the selling prices were ok as I want to make sure it is a fair trade for you.

I will have Jack, Sally, Oogie and the Mayor for trade from the Itty Bitty set if anyone is interested. Also, I will have the Lock, Shock and Barrel pin from the Pirates of the Scare-ibbean set for trade as well as any characters that aren't Zero from the Mystery Set. If you don't have something on my wants list (which is understandable , I don't mind working out a trade with an equivalent for the pin you would like.

We will be there, Friday and Saturday. Will be looking to complete the Mystery set, so please look for us! Also trading for the open edition merchandise. Hope to see you all there!

I am happy with those trade ideas. I will bring those pins so you can see them in person.
I really don't have anything to amazing for traders but I figured I would post my PP here (DPP isn't updated at the moment) - Krys10Webb. I plan on mostly trading with the boards on the second day but if anyone sees anything they really like let me know!
I'll be there!!!

I'll be getting a bunch of mystery boxes and want to complete a full set also, so let's try to help each other out!! I'll be wearing a Maleficent shirt and most likely a Maleficent lanyard or Villain lanyard.

This offer is open to anyone who's attending the event and wants to get in on this action.
>>> Mike
Hi, are there any pins from the mystery box you are willing to trade? From that set I have tiki chaser, caterpillar and nemo submarine for trade.