Needing advice on trading sets
So to make a really long story short, I have a complete WiR mystery set to trade, and I was thinking about putting it up for auction - but I am unsure. I kind of have high expectations for what I want to trade it for and I am afraid that other people will value it less than I do, and I don't want to be stuck trading it away for less than what I think it is worth.
Just to be clear, this is what I have:
Am I over-valuing it? I think considering the want/trades ratios on pinpics I should expect some good trades, right?
I was thinking about putting it up for auction for 2 weeks? Is that too long or should it be longer? I am jsut so unceratin about it; nervous I am going to wind up in a bad trade. Its just that since there is no listing for the entire set I would have to send out requests for each pin, which isn't what I am looking for.
Any advice?