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New Here, Advice Please

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New Here, Advice Please


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I'm sure that my post sounds the same as many others but I would really appreciate any advice/suggestions. Like many many other people I am looking for frozen merchandise. I have three little girls who are obsessed with frozen, I really don't want to make this sound like a pity post, but one of my little girls has cerebral palsy (she cannot walk/sit/crawl/ect) it would mean the world to her if I could find the Elsa and Ana singing dolls and the Elsa animator doll(we have Ana and love her) for her birthday. If anyone has any idea when/if disney will be re-releasing those dolls please let me know. I call our local disney stores daily, and they keep telling me they don't know when or if they will be getting more Elsa dolls. I have called the costumer service line and they tell me to check the website around midnight seeing as that is when they add more items(and I do every night) I just don't have the means to pay the prices on eBay. Thank you so much!
Hello! Welcome

Frozen merchandise will most likely be restocked this coming week to coincide with the DVD/Blu Ray release on Tuesday. The dolls will most likely come back then. Just keep checking the website around Monday and Tuesday that is probably when the merchandise will be released. And keep calling/checking your store they're probably just trying to keep you on your toes haha. Hope this helps!
A lot of the stuff that you are looking for are actually open edition stock. Don't resort to ebay because as we saw the animators got to a point where they were put up for sale as there was just so much of it. As they are open edition stock items they would just be reproduced each time the dolls are sold out.

I agree with LordTremaine, they should restock some Frozen merchandise over the next week or to to promote the release of the bluray. I would keep an eye out on the website over the next week or two. It usually refreshes on a Monday or Tuesday night.

Good luck with your search and I am sure that you will eventually be able to find the items you are looking for.
Thank you guys so much for the reassurance! Makes me feel a lot better! I called one of my local Disney stores this afternoon, and the lady seemed really agitated and just flat out told me "no" they will not be receiving any new merchandise for the DVD release. We are lucky and have two stores fairly close to where we live so hopefully I will be able to find something next week!
As Lord Tremaine and Polaris suggested, it is very likely that many stores will re-stock their Frozen merch next week with the release of the movie on Bluray. Check online occasionally as well. I would definitely keep an eye out at your local store next week though, some stores have already started re-stocking with Frozen goodies. Good luck to you!
i'm not a disney collector or even a frozen collector but i have had my eye on some of the frozen items and enjoy coming to read others talking about them on this site. I was able to acquire kristoff anna animators and the four classic dolls since the beginning of this month. here's what i've gathered from my local disney store:

The stores in my area recieve shipment on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. it can sometimes be tues weds thurs depending on if there was a delay.

I would call every morning at 10:00-10:15am (opening is at 10am) and ask if they recieved any frozen shipment, if they say yes then ask what they got. i noticed sometimes they're more helpful if you ask for general items because when i call and ask for dolls i mostly get a flat no.

The morning i was able to get elsa and hans classic dolls i called the store at 9:50am a few minutes before they opened and they said all they got was pajamas. However, because it wasn't opening time i think they were not very happy to get my call so early. so i stopped by the DS store on my way home around noon and low and behold they had put out classic elsa and hans dolls. i was able to get one, but while i was in there a lady came in and bought NINE ELSA DOLLS. im assuming they got 10 total, i got one and she got the rest.

one of the cast members told me they were expecting another shipment the next day and they assumed they would be getting the other two dolls but not guaranteed. I was there the next morning 10 minutes before opening and sure enough they had the anna and hans classics. AND sure enough while i was in there a few minutes after opening there was another lady buying the whole stock of dolls.

It seems like most of the stores have been restocking dolls and items every week however it gets sold out within hours of being put on shelves. Is it all fans? probably not. you really just have to call every morning and sometimes even physically be there for opening. with a little bit of luck and determination you should be able to find some sort of frozen doll.

1 of the 2 stores in my area is actually holding 80% of the frozen shipment they've been getting for the past few weeks in their back room to have a good selection for the morning the dvd is released. however they are also expecting a HUGE amount of people to show up that morning. the other DS manager told me he wasn't doing that and whatever comes in gets put out immediately and its possible unless he gets a frozen shipment tuesday morning, he won't have much to offer besides the dvd on release day.

AGAIN this is just what i've heard from the two stores in my area, it's possible most stores are doing this, its possible its only the two in my area. Again, this isnt disney's fault, i see the disney store facebook page getting yelled out post after post for not supplying dolls and costumes. The stores are recieving these items in small amounts but they're being snatched up right when they're on the shelves. Like the last poster said, dont resort to ebay prices because unless you're looking for a LE doll, everything will eventually be re-stocked. I think theres a little bit of urgency because once a movie is no longer "new" the quality of the merchandise gets a little more...generic...but with this movie, i dont see them changing the dolls or toys they are offering for a few months because it's so in demand. i would imagine theres no point in changing the product or making new frozen dolls when the ones they have are selling so well.
That's the part that is upsetting to me, that some people can walk into the store and buy all of the dolls, dresses, ect and turn around and sell them on eBay for crazy prices. I will defiantly keep calling, and will try my best to be in the store on the 18th when they open. Granted my little ones cooperate which isn't always the case :lol:
i went to the disney store here (oooh, mysterious place) and they said that they can no longer hold frozen merchandise when they re-stock for the bluray release, so people would have to go early to the store and buy what they want.

i would just check the stores and possibly call. perhaps a representative will help you with the shipment times and tell you some more details. c:

good luck!
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