New to Pin Trading, few questions please?
I am completely new to pins, we have visited WDW once and off for our third trip to DLP for Halloween. I love collecting everything Disney and pin trading has recently come to my attention! I have 3 children whowould love to be involved too. I have a few questions if anyone can help please? We are in the UK if that helps!
1. Do people choose a character or theme or just go for ones they like? I'm not sure i could stick to just one character!
2. How do you get hold of pins for trading without just buying loads in the shop? Bit confused on this one!
3. I would love to have a pin with the year on it from each visit but is this possible as I imagine they won't be for sale anymore, would a CM be wearing an old year pin?
4. Where would I find a lanyard? I have looked on the disneystore but not keen on them ones. Would quite like a tinkerbell. Or princess one maybe?
Thank you!