NorCal Pin Group 2015 Secret Santa!
Hey NorCal Pin Group!! Are you looking for some cool Secret Santa fun for 2015?? CHECK THIS OUT!!
Howdy everyone!! If you were at our last NorCal pin meet, you know about our Secret Santa gift exchange!! If you are planning to participate PLEASE be sure to email your information (see the flyer) to either me or StitchTrader (Mark) NO LATER THAN November 2, 2015. Rules, guidelines, and contact info are on the flyer.
If you would like a copy of the flyer you can see it on Facebook in the NorCal Pin group page ... or send either StitchTrader or me a PM with your email address ... one of us will send you a copy.
Basically ...
Rules ~ Regulations ~ Expectations:
* Secret Santa gift value - minimum $20. If you choose to go over the value that is fine. Please be creative.
* Gifts must include at least 1 authentic Disney pin; preferably from the recipient's PinPics want list or known collection of wants. If the recipient does not have a PinPics account, please check the Secret Santa profile information, which will be provided to you for your assigned recipient, for ideas.
* Gifts must be mailed no later than December 5, 2015! Please provide the tracking information to either Barbara (bjean) or Mark (StitchTrader) at email addresses provided on the flyer.
* Participation is voluntary. Once you sign up to participate, you are expected to follow through with your gift. If for some reason you are unable to fulfill your Secret Santa OR if you decide to withdraw from participating, you MUST notify Barbara or Mark no later than November 14th.
* Secret Santa selections will be made via random selection.
Thank you!! Take care, *Barbara