Older Hidden Mickey/Cast Lanyard pins..
So let’s chat about older hidden Mickey pins/cast lanyard pins and their value or not value?
So in the huge collection I acquired is probably about 3-400 Hidden Mickey pins most from the first 5 years of the collection.
Quite a lot/most of them have been scrapped since and most newer traders probably have never seen an authentic version of many of these..
Knowing who I acquired them from and my experience 99.99% are authentic and look great compared to the fake versions
But because they’ve been so scrapped I have no idea how to trade/sell them because I feel even with photos it’ll all be “this is fake” even trading them in person seems dicey because I don’t want to have to be like believe me
and while the old timers will recognize them as authentic not sure everyone will
while most aren’t worth more than a basic trader they (to me whose been around long enough to know) they still have some value but no idea how to prove that..
So asking for thoughts on if it’s worth trying to salvage value and how or just lot them out as lanyard traders
So in the huge collection I acquired is probably about 3-400 Hidden Mickey pins most from the first 5 years of the collection.
Quite a lot/most of them have been scrapped since and most newer traders probably have never seen an authentic version of many of these..
Knowing who I acquired them from and my experience 99.99% are authentic and look great compared to the fake versions
But because they’ve been so scrapped I have no idea how to trade/sell them because I feel even with photos it’ll all be “this is fake” even trading them in person seems dicey because I don’t want to have to be like believe me

while most aren’t worth more than a basic trader they (to me whose been around long enough to know) they still have some value but no idea how to prove that..
So asking for thoughts on if it’s worth trying to salvage value and how or just lot them out as lanyard traders