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Pin Pics TA Question

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Pin Pics TA Question


Curiouser & Curiouser...
DPF Charter Member
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So I recieved a trade request via pinpics last week or so and I accepted right away, even sending an offer for a multi trade. To this day I have not heard ANYTHING back from this person. In fact this person is on the board so I know it's not an issue of not getting online or anything like that.

Why do you think this happens? Didn't mean to send the TA out? Too emberassed to respond? It's driving me crazy because I really wanted the pin that was offered! I even sent a second email a day or so ago in case my first one went to Bulk mail but still nothing. I don't want to contact them on the boards because that feels weird to me for some reason. :eeyore:
I've also been having issues lately with people sending the TA and then not responding back. Here are things I can think of but you just don't know unless you know the person:

1) Your emails are going to junk
2) Their Pinpics email is different and they don't check it as often
3) They were just on a fishing expedition (if so, Demerit!)
4) Depending on what you offered back they may have been put off. Maybe they were looking for much more for their pin and are giving you the cold shoulder rather than just telling you. (if so, Demerit!)
5) They may have other offers going on for the same pin(s) and they are mulling them over. Maybe they are waiting for someone else to respond to them before they can respond to you.

I would PM them here. I don't see a reason to feel weird about it.
I had 23 requests going to my spam mail..I had NO idea if the trades were done or what
Thats really getting on my nerves that they are going there too
I have seen requests and notifications going to my spam mail too! A lot lately!!! I just make sure to check that too now. I also heard back from the trader just now. I was not upset or angry that I hadn't heard just curious as to why it was happening. It was a very good reason, so I'll leave it at that.
I check my SPAM regularly for just this reason. Seems to be happening more for some reason.

I also had a trade negotiation in the works and then all of a sudden the person emails and said he decided to take a different offer. I guess I shouldn't be shocked about anything!
If I am the one that is not responding, I apologize profusely. I see the t/a email acknowledging that the trade went out but I never see any response from the traders. I checked my spam folder and I didn't see any responses, but of course it was difficult given the local singles I needed to meet, and my humanitarian efforts to free some guys money from a bank in Kenya. Lest i forget, the many enhancements I could get (male and female). I have had recent success using the pm feature, so if I am not responding and you wish to trade, please pm me.
I didn't see any responses, but of course it was difficult given the local singles I needed to meet, and my humanitarian efforts to free some guys money from a bank in Kenya. Lest i forget, the many enhancements I could get (male and female).

That is SO funny! :lol:
i checked my spam folder and i didn't see any responses, but of course it was difficult given the local singles i needed to meet, and my humanitarian efforts to free some guys money from a bank in kenya. Lest i forget, the many enhancements i could get (male and female).
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