Pin Pics Trade Assistant Etiquette
I have taken to using the Pin Pics Trade Assistant to attempt trades. As most of you have experienced, the response is awful. I always respond even when I am not interested. Two situations have come up and I need to know if I am doing something wrong. The trade assistant matches "pin wants" and "pin trades", it has no concept of pin value. When I first started using the TA, I didn't realise this, but I have since become more concious when making trade requests. I use the trades vs wants ratio to determine value. I made a trade request with a resonable ratio match, 2.73 vs 2.45 and the person I was attempting to trade with came back with a counter trade suggesting I send them a pin with a ratio of either .33, .4, .4, or .11 (the lower the trade ratio number the more valuable the pin). I responded that the pins requested were far more valuable than the pin offered, and I would be willing to do the original trade or a multi pin trade. I got no response. The second situation I received a trade requst from the TA for a pin with a ratio of .21 for either a pin with a 1.94 or a 1.05. I responded that my pin was more valuable, if they were interested in doing a multi pin trade I was willing, and as a starting point I would consider both pins offered as an even trade for my pin. I ended with "please respond either way". So far I have not received a response.
Is this how you're supposed to trade? If not, than how?
Sorry for the long post.
Is this how you're supposed to trade? If not, than how?
Sorry for the long post.