Pin thief among us Update.
I just wanted to give everyone an update to my post of the pin thief post that I made. This person finally sent me a PM stating that they were sorry that they mailed the pin out late and that it went out Monday. I'm hoping that I will get the pin today and I will post an update if it does arrive today (although if she mailed it on Monday like she said I thought I would have had it by now). I will also ask the mods if they can delete my negative feedback for this person and I will resubmit the proper feedback when I receive the pin.
I still feel that this person should have kept me updated with the progress of the package and should have not ignored the PM's that I sent her. I do understand if things come up and you can't mail right away but just please contact me and let me know and I will always understand. I know that she had to have seen the PM's that I sent her because she was on the forum several times after I sent her the PM's.
One other thing that was just a little upsetting is that I sent her a zap pin along with the trade pin and she never even said thanks for it. I'm not asking for her to make a post about it but a simple "Thanks for the zap" would have been nice to get.
I want to thank everyone who replied to my post and also to everyone who helped with this matter (Mods and forum members).